A customized starter kit for static websites, using Jekyll and Gulp for the build process.
- Livereloading with BrowserSync
- ES6 ready (with Babel)
- JS Bundling with Webpack
- Sass with Autoprefixer and Sourcemaps
- SVG Icons with gulp-svg-sprite
- Image Optim, Minification and other production goodies
Follow the Quick Install Intructions at https://jekyllrb.com Then run:
git clone https://github.com/maxboeck/jekyll-gulp.git
cd jekyll-gulp
npm install
To add an icon, place an SVG file in _assets/icons
, then include it on a page with:
{% include icon.html icon="cog" %}
The Icon name is the SVG filename. Run gulp icons
to generate the icon sprite.
!Since this uses an external SVG file, you will need a polyfill like svgxuse to correctly display icons in IE.