
A simple Static Site Generator using PHP

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple Static Site Generator using PHP


This is not a well-supported Static Site Generator. It is a weekend project to experiment with an interesting approach to build static websites using PHP. Feel free to fork and experiment as well.


You need to have composer installed. Follow these instructions to install it.

git clone https://github.com/filkaris/php-ssg
cd php-ssg
composer install


Edit these values in config.yaml

  title: "My Awesome Blog"
  subtitle: "Filippos Karailanidis"


To write a new post, create a markdown file inside posts/

vim posts/my-new-post.md

Fill in important metadata on top of the file

title: My First Post
date: Fri 12 Jul 2019 06:21:09 PM EEST
summary: "(The summary of said first post)"

Run the local server

composer server

Visit http://localhost:8080


To build everything into a static website in the dist/ folder:

composer build

Deploy the dist/ folder anywhere online