
Prototype site for SpoCo NW

Primary LanguageJavaScript

SpoCo NW prototype site - Built on Beerclub by Phil Hawksworth

A simple, static site generated by Jekyll and hosted on Github Pages which lists the beers enjoyed by the BeerClub at R/GA London



Pull requests and contributions are welcome. The content is managed by Jekyll's data system, so adding a beer to the list is as simple as editing the _data/drops.yml file.

The images are all hosted on Instagram. Add a public Instagram page URL (without a trailing /) to the _data/drops.yml file in order to include the image in the site.

You can now add an award for each beer you add on the website. Add a line in the _data/drops.yml file like this:

award: "text of your award here"


The site is generated via Github's Jekyll support. Pushing code to the gh-pages branch will envoke a build and deployment.