== Welcome to the OpenID Rails Kit This kit will help you get a quick start on building new web applications that need to allow logins via OpenID, as well as with a standard username/password combination. Running the app as-is will allow to create accounts and log in to accounts that have been previously created. The kit even handles Yahoo's OpenID implementation of passing back to the application a different identity URL than the user specifies when creating an account. Most of this kit is made up of the excellent work done by others, in particular the restful_authentication and open_id_authentication plugins. I have made minor tweaks here and there, and added some glue code for account creation, but otherwise the bulk of what you've received has been generously provided by others to the community. The new code I have contributed is released under the MIT License (see the MIT-LICENSE file for more info). == Getting Started This code provides a complete, running Rails application. There are a few things you need to do to get started, though. First, you need to have the ruby-openid gem installed (version 2.0.4 is the latest at the time of this writing): gem install ruby-openid Next, you should create your SQLite database and the database tables with the following rake command on the command line: rake db:schema:load After bootstrapping the database, you'll need to make at least one edit to the code. In config/environment.rb, you need to specify a new secret for the cookie session storage. Change line 41 of config/environment.rb, replacing the secret with the one generated by this command: rake secret Once that's done, you are ready to go. Start up the app and browse to it in your web browser. Create a new account, and you'll be logged in. == Contents Hopefully you're familiar enough with the basics of Rails that I don't have to explain what every file in this archive does. If not, go read some books like Agile Web Development with Rails and then come back here. With that out of the way, here are some of the files you'll want to check out. Basically, the kit is made up of the files you get from running the generator from the restful_authentication plugin, with changes made for creating and authenticating accounts via OpenID. app/ controllers/ users_controller.rb - The create method has been modified to check whether OpenID is being used, and if so, stuffs the parameters submitted from the form into the session so they can be retrieved when the user returns from the OpenID provider. Upon returning from the provider, the new user account is created and the user is logged in. sessions_controller.rb - Similar to the UsersController, the create method has been changed to redirect to the OpenID provider if an OpenID URL was provided, and then loads the user record based on the identity URL after returning from the OpenID provider. models/ user.rb - I have made a few changes here (and related changes deeper in the plugin code) to allow a User record to validate without a login and password if OpenID is being used. == Shameless self-promotion If you find this code useful, you might also be interested in other, similar starter applications that can be found at http://railskits.com/. For example, if you are building a software-as-a-service Rails application, the SaaS Rails Kit provides you tried and tested code for recurring billing, subdomain-based accounts, etc. It will save you a ton of time in building your next Rails application.