
Steam Summer Sale 2018 "Salien" minigame bot - runs in console or browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Headless mode

Headless mode is a version of this game that is ran without a ui, in your command prompt / terminal

Here are the steps to use:

npm install
notepad gettoken.json
  • Log into Steam
  • Open https://steamcommunity.com/saliengame/gettoken in browser with steam logged in
  • Copy the entire contents of the page
  • Paste into notepad and save the file as gettoken.json.
  • (IMPORTANT) Immediately copy something else to avoid accidentally giving this out to someone else!
  • Save and exit
  • Back to command line:
node headless

It should be running now!

Tile selection

By default it will scour all available planets and get the highest exp rewards from difficult tiles, if you don't want this, run the bot with

node headless --care-for-planet

Userscript mode

Salien bot is a WIP for the Salien Minigame that came out for Steam Summer Sale 2018.

I picked this up because it reminded me of a challenge in programming I had before. I won't be manipulating any state, just injecting mouse clicks and other button presses.

To use, copy and paste index.user.js in console, or use GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey and visit https://github.com/meepen/salien-bot/raw/master/index.user.js

Also, a note: playing this game AT ALL will not net you better rewards! It's only the time you have been on the page. No need to waste computer resources :)

Tile selection

The tile select code focuses on levelling up to level 13 on hard tiles; after you hit level 9 it will try and target the highest progress tile