
Automated Caddy reverse proxy for docker containers

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


wemake.services test Dockerhub

A perfect mix of Caddy, docker-gen, and forego. Inspired by nginx-proxy.



Using Caddy as your primary web server is super simple. But when you need to scale your application Caddy is limited to its static configuration.

To overcome this issue we are using docker-gen to generate configuration everytime a container spawns or dies. Now scaling is easy!

Configuration / Options

caddy-gen is configured with labels.

The main idea is simple. Every labeled service exposes a virtual.host to be handled. Then, every container represents a single upstream to serve requests.

NOTE: Caddy2 was introduced in version 0.3.0 causing BREAKING CHANGES.

Main configuration options:

  • virtual.host (required) domain name, don't pass http:// or https://, you can separate them with spaces.
  • virtual.alias domain alias, useful for www prefix with redirect. For example www.myapp.com. Alias will always redirect to the host above.
  • virtual.port port exposed by container, e.g. 3000 for React apps in development.
  • virtual.tls-email the email address to use for the ACME account managing the site's certificates (required to enable HTTPS).
  • virtual.tls alias of virtual.tls-email.
  • virtual.host.directives set custom Caddyfile directives for the host. These will be inlined into the site block.
  • virtual.host.import include Caddyfile directives for the host from a file on the container's filesystem. See Caddy import.

Basic authentication options:

Reverse proxy options:

  • virtual.proxy.matcher have the reverse proxy only match certain paths.
  • virtual.proxy.lb_policy specify load balancer policy, defaults to round_robin.
  • virtual.proxy.directives include any reverse_proxy directives. These will be inlined into the reverse proxy block.
  • virtual.proxy.import include any reverse_proxy directives from a file on the container's filesystem. See Caddy import.

To include a custom template:

  • mount a volume containing your custom template and/or snippet (they both may be Go templates and will be loaded by docker-gen).
  • set the environment variable CADDY_TEMPLATE to the mounted file containining your custom Caddyfile template. This will replace the default template.
  • set the environment variable CADDY_SNIPPET to the mounted file containining your custom Caddyfile snippet. This will be prepended to the caddy template, so you may use it to set Global Options, define snippet blocks, or add custom address blocks.
  • See example "Use a custom Caddy template for docker-gen"

Version build-time arguments

This image supports two build-time arguments:

  • FOREGO_VERSION to change the current version of forego
  • DOCKER_GEN_VERSION to change the current version of docker-gen


Caddy-gen is created to be used in a single container. It will act as a reverse proxy for the whoami service.

version: "3"
    container_name: caddy-gen
    image: wemakeservices/caddy-gen:latest # or ghcr.io/wemake-services/caddy-gen:latest
    restart: always
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro # needs socket to read events
      - ./caddy-info:/data/caddy # needs volume to back up certificates
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - whoami

  whoami: # this is your service
    image: "katacoda/docker-http-server:v2"
      - "virtual.host=myapp.com" # your domain
      - "virtual.alias=www.myapp.com" # alias for your domain (optional)
      - "virtual.port=80" # exposed port of this container
      - "virtual.tls-email=admin@myapp.com" # ssl is now on
      - "virtual.auth.path=/secret/*" # path basic authentication applies to
      - "virtual.auth.username=admin" # Optionally add http basic authentication
      - "virtual.auth.password=JDJ5JDEyJEJCdzJYM0pZaWtMUTR4UVBjTnRoUmVJeXQuOC84QTdMNi9ONnNlbDVRcHltbjV3ME1pd2pLCg==" # By specifying both username and password hash

See docker-compose.yml example file.

Backing up certificates

To backup certificates make a volume:

      - ./caddy-info:/data/caddy

Add or modify reverse_proxy headers

With the following settings, the upstream host will see its own address instead of the original incoming value. See Headers.

version: "3"
    image: wemakeservices/caddy-gen:latest # or ghcr.io/wemake-services/caddy-gen:latest
    restart: always
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro # needs socket to read events
      - ./caddy-info:/data/caddy # needs volume to back up certificates
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - whoami

    image: "katacoda/docker-http-server:v2"
      virtual.host: myapp.com
      virtual.port: 80
      virtual.tls: admin@myapp.com
      virtual.proxy.directives: |
        header_up Host {http.reverse_proxy.upstream.hostport}

Set up a static file server for a host

With the following settings, myapp.com will serve files from directory www and only requests to /api/* will be routed to the whoami service. See file_server.

version: "3"
    image: wemakeservices/caddy-gen:latest # or ghcr.io/wemake-services/caddy-gen:latest
    restart: always
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro # needs socket to read events
      - ./caddy-info:/data/caddy # needs volume to back up certificates
      - ./www:/srv/myapp/www # files served by myapp.com
      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"
      - whoami

    image: "katacoda/docker-http-server:v2"
      virtual.host: myapp.com
      virtual.port: 80
      virtual.tls: admin@myapp.com
      virtual.proxy.matcher: /api/*
      virtual.host.directives: |
        root * /srv/myapp/www

Use a custom Caddy template for docker-gen

With this custom template, Caddy-gen will act as a reverse proxy for service containers and store their logs under the appropriate host folder in /var/logs.

# file: ./caddy/template
(redirectHttps) {
  @http {
    protocol http
  redir @http https://{host}{uri}

(logFile) {
  log {
    output file /var/caddy/{host}/logs {
      roll_keep_for 7

{{ $hosts := groupByLabel $ "virtual.host" }}
{{ range $h, $containers := $hosts }}
{{ range $t, $host := split (trim (index $c.Labels "virtual.host")) " " }}
{{ $tls = trim (index $c.Labels "virtual.tls") }}
{{ $host }} {
  {{ if $tls }}
  tls {{ $tls }}
  import redirectHttps
  {{ end }}
  reverse_proxy {
    lb_policy round_robin
    {{ range $i, $container := $containers }}
    {{ range $j, $net := $container.Networks }}
    to {{ $net.IP}}:{{ or (trim (index $container.Labels "virtual.port")) "80" }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ end }}
  encode zstd gzip
  import logFile
# file: docker-compose.yml
      # mount the template file into the container
      - ./caddy/template:/tmp/caddy/template
      # CADDY_TEMPLATE will replace the default caddy template
      CADDY_TEMPLATE: /tmp/caddy/template

Set global options for Caddy

With this snippet, Caddy will request SSL certificates from the Let's Encrypt staging environment. This is useful for testing without running up against rate limits when you want to deploy.

# file: ./caddy/global_options
  acme_ca https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
# file: docker-compose.yml
      # mount the template file into the container
      - ./caddy/global_options:/tmp/caddy/global_options
      # CADDY_SNIPPET will prepend to the default caddy template
      CADDY_SNIPPET: /tmp/caddy/global_options

See also


Full changelog is available here.


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.