
CQRS framework

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

wemogy logo CQRS Framework

A framework to simply use the CQRS pattern in any .NET project.

Getting started

Install the NuGet package into your project.

dotnet add package wemogy.CQRS

Add CQRS to your dependency Injection container.


This scans the calling assembly for all Commands, Queries, Command Handlers, Query Handlers, and so on and adds them to the DI containers along with the ICommands and IQueries executioners.


Define your first Command, by creating a class for it, wich implements the ICommand<TReturnType> interface. The Command itself does not contain any execution logic and only collects the information needed for the exectution. The Command execution is done at the Command Handler.

public class FooCommand : ICommand<string>
    public string Demo { get; }

    public FooCommand(string demo)
        Demo = demo;

Each Command needs a Command Handler, which handles the execution of a Command. To create a Command Handler, implement the ICommandHandler<TCommand, TReturnType> interface.

public class FooCommandHandler : ICommandHandler<FooCommand, string>
    private readonly MyExternalApi _client;

    public FooQueryHandler(MyExternalApi client)
        _client = client;
    public async Task<string> HandleAsync(FooCommand command)
        // Do something...
        var result = _client.PostAsync(command.Demo);
        return result;

To execute a Command, get the ICommands executioner from the DI, instantiate the Command and pass it to the executioner.

public class Demo
    private readonly ICommands _commands { get; }
    private readonly IQueries _queries { get; }

    public MainControllerBase(ICommands commands, IQueries queries)
        Commands = commands;
        Queries = queries;

    public async Task<string> Something()
        var command = new FooCommand("bar");
        var result = await Commands.RunAsync(command);
        return result;

Delayed command processing

Commands can be executed immediately or be delayed to be processed in the background. Delaying command works by registering a delayed command handling processor.

This library implements the following delayed command processing providers


Define your first Query, by creating a class for it, wich implements the IQuery<TReturnType> interface. The Query itself does not contain any execution logic and only collects the information needed for the exectution. The Query execution is done at the Command Handler.

public class FooQuery : IQuery<string>
    public string Demo { get; }

    public FooQuery(string demo)
        Demo = demo;

Each Query needs a Query Handler, which handles the execution of a Query. To create a Query Handler, implement the IQueryHandler<TCommand, TReturnType> interface.

public class FooQueryHandler : IQueryHandler<FooQuery, string>
    private readonly MyDatabaseClient _client;

    public FooQueryHandler(MyDatabaseClient client)
        _client = client;

    public async Task<string> HandleAsync(FooQuery query)
        // Do something...
        var result = await _client.GetById(query.Demo);
        return result;

To execute a Query, get the IQueries executioner from the DI, instantiate the Query and pass it to the executioner.

public class Demo
    private readonly ICommands _commands { get; }
    private readonly IQueries _queries { get; }

    public MainControllerBase(ICommands commands, IQueries queries)
        Commands = commands;
        Queries = queries;

    public async Task<string> GetSomething()
        var query = new FooQuery("bar");
        var result = await Queries.QueryAsync(query);
        return result;

Checkout the full Documentation to get information about the available classes and extensions.