
####Backpropagation-trained stochastic gradient descent neural network classifier in Java

to run on command line use

./NeuralNetworkClassifier -task c|r|l [-batch mb] L ss data_cfg_fn

  • Task flag : c uses classification mode, r uses regression mode, l uses logistic mode
  • Batch flag : uses batch mode for mb=0 and minibatch mode for mb>1
  • L : number of hidden layer nodes
  • ss : step size (learning rate) (floating point)
  • data_cfg_fn : name of the data config file

Data config file format

key/value pairs seperated by newlines in a txt file with the following keys

  • N_TRAIN positive integer : number of datapoints in the training set
  • N_DEV positive integer : number of datapoints in the dev set
  • TRAIN_X_FN string : relative or absolute path of the training set feature file
  • TRAIN_T_FN string : relative or absolute path of the training set target file
  • DEV_X_FN string : relative or absolute path of the dev set feature file
  • DEV_T_FN string : relative or absolute path of the dev set training file
  • D positive integer : dimension of input data
  • C positive integer : number of classes

Feature File Format

  • an input feature file is N lines long
  • each line consists of D floating point values, delimited by spaces (D is the dimension of the data)
  • no assumption is made about the number of decimal places

Example : N = 3, D = 4

1.2 3.0 6.6 2.3

4.5 7.1 1.4 9.8

6.7 2.2 1.1 3.4

Target File Format

  • a target file is N lines long
  • these C values define the target vector for the datapoint
  • each line has C floating point values, delimited by spaces (C is the output dimension)
  • no assumption is made about the number of decimal places
  • Can be either a one-hot vector (using classification) or a floating point (using regression)

Example : N = 3, C =3

0 1 0

1 0 0

1 0 0


0.93 0.57 0.01

0.23 0.00 0.66

0.00 1.00 0.00