
Gradle-based Android project, remaking the front end for the WWU CS Virtual Tour app

Primary LanguageJava


Drake Wempe, Nathanial Ragsdale, Stephen Morris

The computer science department needs a way to showcase the department to incoming students. We are developing a mobile application with the official Western look and feel to walk potential students through the most important parts of our department (labs, offices, etc.). Users will have the option to follow a predefined tour, or browse the tour stops at their own leisure. Each stop on the tour will have information and media explaining that stop, and the main menu will display a map of all the stops.

This app will provide a way for incoming students to get a feel for the department without the need of an ambassador from the faculty walking them through. They will be introduced to all the resources and tools we have available to us in the major, and all the faculty they should be aware of.

The plan for the software to provide this idea is to have a main page that contains a map showing all the stops (on a given floor). There will be tabs to move between floors. Within each tab there will be buttons to go to each tour ‘stop’. When a point on the map, or a button is clicked it will open a new activity with information and media about that specific stop.

The complex part of this app lies in all the data (maps, stops, media, text) being pulled from a database, and creating almost everything depending on those values.