Key Words:Convolutional neural network;Image classification;deep learning; Pokémon.
Pokemon Classification based on CNN, which can classify five classes including Bulbasaur、Charmander、Mewtwo、Pikachu、Squirtle.
dataset : Contains the five classes, each class is its own respective subdirectory.
example : Contains images that will be using to test our CNN.
result : Contains result pictures and model.
model.py : Convolutional Neural Network model.
train.py : Use this script to train Keras CNN, plot the accuracy/loss.
predict_plot.py : Use this script to predict example images and plot result.
predict_test.py : Use this script to predict textset images and print confusion matrix and accurancy.
These two webs above present examples of VGG neural network model.
3.https://arxiv.org/abs/1409.1556 VGGNet network