Web App URL: Web App URL : https://wenbin-billy-zhao.github.io/Map_Visualization_with_Leaflet_GeoJson/
Create a map using Leaflet that plots all of the earthquakes from your data set based on their longitude and latitude.
The USGS provides earthquake data in a number of different formats, updated every 5 minutes. Visit the USGS GeoJSON Feed page and pick a data set to visualize. When you click on a data set, for example 'All Earthquakes from the Past 7 Days', you will be given a JSON representation of that data. You will be using the URL of this JSON to pull in the data for our visualization.
The USGS wants you to plot a second data set on your map to illustrate the relationship between tectonic plates and seismic activity. You will need to pull in a second data set and visualize it along side your original set of data. Data on tectonic plates can be found at https://github.com/fraxen/tectonicplates.
Plot a second data set on our map.
Add a number of base maps to choose from as well as separate out our two different data sets into overlays that can be turned on and off independently.
Add layer controls to our map.