
Self-Propelled Binary Instrumentation. My research work at University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2010 ~ 2012.

Primary LanguageC++

Self-propelled Instrumentation


Self-propelled instrumentation is a binary instrumentation technique that dynamically injects a fragment of code into an application process on demand. The instrumentation is inserted ahead of the control flow within the process and is propagated into other processes, following communication events, crossing host boundaries, and collecting a distributed function-level trace of the execution. Self-propelled instrumentation contains two major components. The first is the Agent. It is a shared library that automatically inserts and propagates a piece of payload code at function call events in a running process, where the payload code contains user-defined logic, such as generating trace data for later inspection. The second component is the Injector. It is a process that causes an application process to load the Agent shared library, where the Injector should have at least the same privilege as the application process. Self-propelled instrumentation does binary instrumentation within the application process’s address space, avoiding use of the debugging interfaces (e.g., Linux ptrace and Windows debug interface) and costly interprocess communications. Therefore, self-propelled instrumentation does not add significant overhead to a process during runtime.

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  1. Copy example-make.config to be "config.mk".
  2. Edit make.config to define each macro variable.
  • DYNINST_DIR: absolute path of Dyninst, which contains directories like dyninstAPI, parseAPI, ...
  • SP_DIR: absolute path of this package (the output of pwd), because this file is also used by Makefile, I don't put pwd in it.
  • DYNLINK: true for building shared library for agent, otherwise for building static library

Environment variables


  1. SP_COREDUMP: enables core dump when segfault happens
  2. SP_DEBUG: enables printing out debugging messages
  3. SP_TEST_RELOCINSN: only uses instruction relocation instrumentation worker
  4. SP_TEST_RELOCBLK: only uses call block relocation instrumentation worker
  5. SP_TEST_SPRING: only uses sprint block instrumentation worker
  6. SP_TEST_TRAP: only uses trap instrumentation worker
  7. SP_NO_TAILCALL: don't instrument tail calls
  8. SP_LIBC_MALLOC: will always use libc malloc
  9. SP_NO_LIBC_MALLOC: will never use libc malloc


  • PLATFORM: 'i386-unknown-linux2.4' for x86 or 'x86_64-unknown-linux2.4' for x86-64
  • SP_DIR: the root directory of self-propelled instrumentation.
  • SP_AGENT_DIR: the directory path of agent shared library that will be injected.

Shared memory id used

  • 1986: for communication between injector process and user process

Make arguments

  • For testing

    • make unittest: build unittests
    • make mutatee: build simple mutatees
    • make external_mutatee: build real world mutatees
    • make test: unittest + mutatee + external_mutatee
  • For main self propelled

    • make injector_exe
    • make agent_lib
    • make spi: agent_lib + injector_exe
  • For everything

    • make / make all: spi + test
  • For cleaning

    • make clean_test: clean test stuffs
    • make clean: only clean core self-propelled stuffs, excluding dependency
    • make clean_all: clean everything, including dependency
    • make clean_objs: clean core self-propelled objs


  • To run test suite:
    • make "ssh localhost" work without typing in password