The main objective of this project is to demonstrate my skills in backend development in the Go language.
For this I developed a social network that was divided into two parts: API and Web Application.
The API is the part responsible for making direct interactions with the database and is organized as follows starting from the root api/
(with a brief explanation of the function of each package):
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go (Main file)
├── .env
├── sql
│ └── sql.sql (SQL script to create the database)
└── src
├── autenticacao (Package with functions that manipulate the JWT token)
├── banco (Package that only opens the connection to the bank)
├── config (Loads environment variables)
├── controllers (Package responsible for handling API requests)
├── middlewares (Middleware for logging of request and authentication)
├── modelos (Defines the data structures of entities within the application)
├── repositorios (Package for performing operations on the database)
├── respostas (Responsible for handling API responses)
├── router (Organizes and manages API routes)
└── seguranca (Responsible for encrypting and decrypting credentials)
The API .env
file must have the format:
The Web Application directories and packages are organized as follows (starting from the root webapp/
├── assets
│ ├── css
│ └── js
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go (Main file)
├── .env
├── src
│ ├── config (Loads environment variables)
│ ├── controllers (Handles frontend requests and makes requests to the API or returns templates)
│ ├── cookies (Package that contains cookie operations)
│ ├── middlewares (Middleware for logging of request and authentication)
│ ├── modelos (Defines the data structures of entities within the web application)
│ ├── requisicoes (Package responsible for handling authenticated requests to the API directly)
│ ├── respostas (Responsible for handling responses to frontend)
│ ├── router (Organizes and manages web application routes)
│ └── utils (functionalities related to templates)
└── views (html files and their templates)
The Web Application .env
file must have the format:
Wenderson Melo - Linkedin -
Project Link: