
Collection of BOSH manifests referenced by cloudfoundry/docs-bosh

Primary LanguageShell



$ cd ~/workspace

$ git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/bosh-deployment

# Create a directory to keep Director deployment
$ mkdir bosh-1 && cd bosh-1

# Deploy a Director -- ./creds.yml is generated automatically
$ bosh create-env ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
  --state ./state.json \
  --ops-file ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/aws/cpi.yml \
  --vars-store ./creds.yml \
  -v access_key_id=... \
  -v secret_access_key=... \
  -v region=us-east-1 \
  -v az=us-east-1b \
  -v default_key_name=bosh \
  -v default_security_groups=[bosh] \
  -v subnet_id=subnet-... \
  -v director_name=$(basename $PWD) \
  -v internal_cidr= \
  -v internal_gw= \
  -v internal_ip= \
  -v private_key=...

# Alias deployed Director
$ bosh alias-env bosh-1 \
  -e `bosh int ./creds.yml --path /internal_ip` \
  --ca-cert <(bosh int ./creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca)

# Log in to the Director
$ export BOSH_USER=admin
$ export BOSH_PASSWORD=`bosh int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password`

# Update cloud config -- single az
$ bosh -e bosh-1 update-cloud-config ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/aws/cloud-config.yml -l ./creds.yml

# Upload specific stemcell
$ bosh -e bosh-1 upload-stemcell https://...

# Get a deployment running
$ bosh -e bosh-1 -d zookeeper deploy ~/workspace/zookeeper-release/manifests/example.yml

To generate creds (without deploying anything) or just to check if your manifest builds:

$ bosh int ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \
  --var-errs \
  --ops-file ~/workspace/bosh-deployment/aws/cpi.yml \
  --vars-store ./creds.yml \
  -v access_key_id=... \
  -v secret_access_key=...

Please ensure you have security groups setup correctly. i.e:

Type                 Protocol Port Range  Source                     Purpose
SSH                  TCP      22          <IP you run bosh CLI from> SSH (if Registry is used)
Custom TCP Rule      TCP      6868        <IP you run bosh CLI from> Agent for bootstrapping
Custom TCP Rule      TCP      25555       <IP you run bosh CLI from> Director API
Custom TCP Rule      TCP      8443        <IP you run bosh CLI from> UAA API (if UAA is used)
SSH                  TCP      22          <((internal_cidr))>        BOSH SSH (optional)
Custom TCP Rule      TCP      4222        <((internal_cidr))>        NATS
Custom TCP Rule      TCP      25250       <((internal_cidr))>        Blobstore
Custom TCP Rule      TCP      25777       <((internal_cidr))>        Registry if enabled