
simple rule engine using elixir

Primary LanguageElixir


Judge is simple rule engine application in favor for me to learn elixir


If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add judge to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:judge, "~> 0.0.1"}] end

  2. Ensure judge is started before your application:

    def application do [applications: [:judge]] end


The Idea of Judge is group rules into a bucket, and then after that you can choose which bucket to use for evaluation.

To create a bucket do:


Then to put a rule at first you need to fetch the bucket:

bucket = Judge.Buckets.lookup(:random_buckets) # if not present it will return :error

after that you can add a rule in that bucket:

rule = [
  decisions: %{name: "judge", age: 22}, # mandatory
  conditions: [
    %{type: "simple", operator: "is_equal_to", value: "20", param: "amount" }
] #mandatory

bucket = Judge.Buckets.lookup(:random_buckets)
Judge.Knowledge.add(bucket, rule)

as you can see, the mandatory parameters are decisions and conditions. you can put any random value in decisions. Meanwhile for conditions it has to be a list of condition.

For now judge only support a really simple conditions with mandatory attributes: type, operator, value, param.

Attribute Data Type Mandatory Detail
type string yes type of conditions(for now only support simple)
operator string yes definitions on how to compare
value any yes expected value
param string yes base parameter which its value will be compared with value attribute

list of allowed operator: is_equal_to, is_not_equal_to, less_than, bigger_than, bigger_than_or_equal_to, less_than_or_equal_to


to evaluate find bucket that you'll be used then just evaluate it:

bucket = Judge.Buckets.lookup(:random_buckets)
Judge.Knowledge.evaluate(bucket, %{ amount: 22 }) # %{}
Judge.Knowledge.evaluate(bucket, %{ amount: 20 }) # %{name: judge, age: 20}