
This project is a location-based app that simplifies the lives of consumers by letting users easily search the online inventory of goods their friends have made available to borrow, while also letting users list their own goods for their friends to borrow.

Users can search by location, by good name/description, or both!

Save money, save garage space, help save the planet!

##Quickstart ###Set up a user account ####New user

  • Sign up for a new user account here

####Existing user

  • Log in here

  • After logging in:

    • Add some friends using the 'Add Friends' button on right hand side of your Dashboard page
    • Add some goods you're willing to share with your friends by clicking on the 'Add More Goods' button on the bottom of your user Dashboard page
  • Use the searchbar at the top of the page to search your friends' goods by location.

    • If you don't enter a location, all your friends goods that match the description you search will get returned, regardless of location


  • Ruby on Rails
  • Ruby gems:
    • BCrypt, Figaro, Geocoder, Paperclip, AWS-SDK, Searchkick, Font Awesome
  • PostgreSQL
  • HTML5
  • Styling:
    • CSS3
    • Zurb Foundation
  • Testing:
    • RSpec, Capybara, Factory Girl, Simple Cov
