
Results among similarity samples are very different.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Dear weng-lab,

When I use the TEMP2,
I get the finnal insertion.bed file, but there are huge differences between similarity samples.

just like this.
isn't it right or normal?
am I use it correctly?

best wishes

Thanks for your reply on this questions!
Thanks a lot!
After filtering as your advice, the counts of insertions have been normal !
But I have another question to bother u,
How can I combine all the samples to One file like .vcf format?
Can I speak Chinese to describe this question again? 🤣


You might need write a script to convert the TEMP2 output to vcf (please notice that TEMP2 result uses 0-based coordinates like bed format, while vcf uses 1-based). Nevertheless, I am planning to add a script to do this in the next version of TEMP2.