Closeness Centrality is a measure of centrality of individual nodes within a network. This metric explains the role/importance of a node acting as the "middleman" allowing transfer of information between other nodes. Higher closeness centrality = more nodes have to go through this node to reach other nodes.
Closeness centrality to be applied on vectors of words to see if keywords can be extracted. Brute force is used as this is a small experiment.
Quite accurate but not very scalable!
A quick peep on the top of keywords returned:
[ ('baba', 0.09611829944547136),
('ali', 0.09484106305367379),
('gold', 0.03565830721003135),
('wife', 0.020097173144876326),
('cassim', 0.017294626312538603),
('words', 0.016629357211384713),
('said', 0.01604726006260195),
('rich', 0.015273581738838537),
('see', 0.014914365320003276),
('door', 0.014876573483733857),
('sesame', 0.01447085950544645),
('rock', 0.013497478493028774),
('shut', 0.012645035781282569),
Names should be tokenised together and most importantly, scalability should be improved.