For circuit modules implemented in Bluespec SystemVerilog(BSV), they interact with each other based on method. Besides data signals defined explicitly as arguments or returned type, each method definition is accompanied with two implicit control signals, i.e., en and rdy. The rdy signal indicates that the method is ready to be called and en is set by external modules when calling the method. The figure below shows an interface definition in BSV and its corresponding hardware diagram.
The en-rdy is similar with valid-ready signal pair commonly used in handcrafted Verilog designs. Both of these two signal pairs are designed to guarantee that the transaction happens only when both parties are ready. Although they implement the same functionality, the underlying mechanism is quite different from each other, which makes the interaction between BSV modules and other handcrafted Verilog designs very tricky and error-prone.
Apart from the differences in control signals, the Verilog code generated by BSV also presents the following issue: if multiple related input/output signals are encapsulated within a struct in BSV, then in the generated Verilog interface, all encapsulated fields will be merged into a single signal.
Here is an example illustrating the problems encountered when interacting codes generated from BSV and handcrafted Verilog designs. Suppose that we design a module with standard AXI-Stream interface in BSV and the interface definition for this module is as follows:
typedef struct {
Bit#(TMul#(keepWidth, 8)) tData;
Bit#(keepWidth) tKeep;
Bit#(usrWidth) tUser;
Bool tLast;
} AxiStream#(numeric type keepWidth, numeric type usrWidth) deriving(Bits);
interface AxiStreamExample;
interface Put#(AxiStream#(8, 1)) axiStreamSlave;
interface Get#(AxiStream#(8, 1)) axiStreamMaster;
The Verilog ports generated from the BSV interface above are shown below, in which all fields defined in the AxiStream struct are packed into one signal, i.e. axiStreamSlave_put and axiStreamMaster_get.
module mkAxiStreamExample(
To interact with other handcrafted Verilog designs, an extra Verilog module is needed to wrap the mkAxiStreamExample and expose standard AXI-Stream interface to the outside. A commonly used implementation of this wrapper module is shown below, which mainly accomplishes two things: 1) parse each field from the packed signal and 2) convert en-rdy to valid-ready.
module mkAxiStreamExampleWrapper(
input clk,
input reset_n,
input s_axis_tvalid,
output s_axis_tready,
input s_axis_tlast,
input s_axis_tuser,
input [63:0] s_axis_tdata,
input [ 7:0] s_axis_tkeep,
output m_axis_tvalid,
input m_axis_tready,
output m_axis_tlast,
output m_axis_tuser,
output [63:0] m_axis_tdata,
output [ 7:0] m_axis_tkeep,
mkAxiStreamExample axiStreamExampleInst(
.CLK ( clk),
.RST_N (reset_n),
.EN_axiStreamSlave_put (s_axis_tvalid & s_axis_tready),
.RDY_axiStreamSlave_put (s_axis_tready),
.axiStreamIn_put (
.EN_axiStreamMaster_get (m_axis_tvalid & m_axis_tready),
.RDY_axiStreamMaster_get (m_axis_tvalid),
.axiStreamMaster_get (
Although the wrapper module above works, it has some drawbacks which reduce the maintainability of the BSV project. The way to parse the packed signal is related with the definition of the struct and if the content of struct is changed, the wrapper module also needs to change correspondingly. And it's also error-prone to handle interaction between en-rdy signals and valid-ready signals manually. What this repo does is exactly to implement this Verilog wrapper in BSV so that codes generated from wrapped BSV designs can interact with other hand-written Verilog modules directly.
The SemiFifo package provides FifoOut and FifoIn interfaces and some utility functions related with them. The FifoOut and FifoIn interface are similiar with Get/Put, which are designed to output and input data respectively. However, FifoOut/FifoIn exposes the implicit rdy signal of deq/enq through notEmpty/notFull to designers, which is inaccessible for get/put methods in Get/Put interface.
- FifoOut wraps the methods related with deq in FIFOF interface:
interface FifoOut#(type dType);
method dType first();
method Action deq();
method Bool notEmpty();
- FifoIn wraps the methods related with enq in FIFOF interface:
interface FifoIn#(type dType);
method Action enq(dType data);
method Bool notFull();
SemiFifo package also provides some utility functions and modules related with FifoIn/FifoOut interface. Here just lists some frequently used ones and for all other functions you can find them in src/SemiFifo.bsv.
Name | Input Type | Return Type | Description |
convertFifoToFifoOut | FIFOF | FifoOut | extract methods of FifoOut from FIFOF |
convertFifoToFifoIn | FIFOF | FifoOut | extract methods of FifoIn from FIFOF |
toGet | FifoOut | Get | convert FifoOut interface to Get interface |
toPut | FifoIn | Put | convert FifoIn interface to Put interface |
BusConversion package defines interfaces which generate valid-ready based Verilog interfaces and some modules that implement the conversion between valid-ready and en-rdy.
- RawBusMaster generates the master side Verilog interface that drives valid and data to slave and receives ready from slave.
(* always_ready, always_enabled *)
interface RawBusMaster#(type dType);
(* result = "data" *) method dType data;
(* result = "valid"*) method Bool valid;
(* prefix = "" *) method Action ready((* port = "ready" *) Bool rdy);
- RawBusSlave generates the slave side Verilog interface that receives valid and data from master, and drives ready to master.
(* always_ready, always_enabled *)
interface RawBusSlave#(type dType);
(* prefix = "" *) method Action validData(
(* port = "valid" *) Bool valid,
(* port = "data" *) dType data
(* result = "ready" *) method Bool ready;
- RawBusMasterToFifoIn interface consists of two sub-interfaces, including RawBusMaster which generates valid-ready based Verilog interface and FifoIn interface which wraps RawBusMaster so that it can be invoked by other BSV modules to initiate transactions.
interface RawBusMasterToFifoIn#(type dType);
interface RawBusMaster#(dType) rawBus;
interface FifoIn#(dType) pipe;
- RawBusSlaveToFifoOut interface consists of two sub-interfaces, including RawBusSlave which generates valid-ready based Verilog interface and FifoOut interface which wraps RawBusSlave so that it can be invoked by other BSV modules.
interface RawBusSlaveToFifoOut#(type dType);
interface RawBusSlave#(dType) rawBus;
interface FifoOut#(dType) pipe;
- RawBusMasterToPut interface is similar to RawBusMasterToFifoIn, which replaces FifoIn with Put interface .
- RawBusSlaveToGet interface corresponds to RawBusMasterToFifoOut and it replaces FifoOut with Get interface.
Name | Input Argument | Returned Interface | Description |
mkFifoOutToRawBusMaster | FifoOut pipe | RawBusMaster | convert FifoOut to RawBusMaster |
mkFifoInToRawBusSlave | FifoIn pipe | RawBusSlave | convert FifoIn to RawBusSlave |
mkGetToRawBusMaster | Get get FifoType fifoType |
RawBusMaster | convert Get to RawBusMaster |
mkPutToRawBusSlave | Put put FifoType fifoType |
RawBusSlave | convert Put to RawBusSlave |
mkRawBusMasterToFifoIn | / | RawBusMasterToFifoIn | wrap RawBusMaster as FifoIn |
mkRawBusSlaveToFifoOut | / | RawBusSlaveToFifoOut | wrap RawBusSlave as FifoOut |
mkRawBusMasterToPut | / | RawBusMasterToPut | wrap RawBusMaster as Put |
mkRawBusSlaveToGet | / | RawBusSlaveToGet | wrap RawBusSlave as Get |
Note: mkGetToRawBusMaster and mkPutToRawBusSlave modules need an input argument of FifoType enumeration that specifies the type of intermediate fifo used in these two modules. The valid values for FifoType enumeration include CF, BYPASS and PIPELINE, which correspond to mkFIFOF, mkBypassFIFOF and mkPipelineFIFOF respectively.
This package defines AxiStream struct that encapsulates signals listed in the AXI-Stream protocol and interfaces that are used to generate standard AXI-Stream Verilog interface. Besides, some parser functions are also provided to extract each field in AxiStream struct to individual signals.
- AxiStream encapsulates signals defined in the standard Axi-Stream protocol. The widths of tkeep and tuser signals are configurable.
typedef struct {
Bit#(TMul#(keepWidth, BYTE_WIDTH)) tData;
Bit#(keepWidth) tKeep;
Bool tLast;
Bit#(usrWidth) tUser;
} AxiStream#(numeric type keepWidth, numeric type usrWidth) deriving(Bits, FShow);
- RawAxiStreamMaster interface generates the standard AXI-Stream Verilog interface for master.
- RawAxiStreamSlave interface generates the standard AXI-Stream Verilog interface for slave.
- RawAxiStreamMasterToFifoIn interface consists of two sub-interfaces, including RawAxiStreamMaster and FifoIn#(AxiStream) used to wrap the other one.
- RawAxiStreamSlaveToFifoOut interface consists of two sub-interfaces, including RawAxiStreamSlave and FifoOut#(AxiStream) used to wrap the other one.
- RawAxiStreamMasterToPut replaces FifoIn in RawAxiStreamMasterToFifoIn with Put.
- RawAxiStreamSlaveToGet replcaes FifoOut in RawAxiStreamSlaveToFifoOut with Get.
All interfaces listed above are configurable with respect to the width of tkeep and tusr signals in AXI-Stream bus.
- convertRawBusToRawAxiStreamMaster function takes in a parameter of RawBusMaster#(AxiStream) and return RawAxiStreamMaster interface. The main task this function accomplishes is to parse each field in AxiStream struct and connect to its corresponding signal in RawAxiStreamMaster interface.
- convertRawBusToRawAxiStreamSlave fucntion implements the same functionality as convertRawBusToRawAxiStreamMaster but it is applied on the slave side.
Name | Input Argument | Returned Interface | Description |
mkFifoOutToRawAxiStreamMaster | FifoOut pipe | RawAxiStreamMaster | convert FifoOut#(AxiStream) to RawAxiStreamMaster |
mkFifoInToRawAxiStreamSlave | FifoIn pipe | RawAxiStreamSlave | convert FifoIn#(AxiStream) to RawAxiStreamSlave |
mkGetToRawAxiStreamMaster | Get get FifoType fifoType |
RawAxiStreamMaster | convert Get#(AxiStream) to RawAxiStreamMaster |
mkPutToRawAxiStreamSlave | Put put FifoType fifoType |
RawAxiStreamSlave | convert Put#(AxiStream) to RawAxiStreamSlave |
mkRawAxiStreamMasterToFifoIn | / | RawAxiStreamMasterToFifoIn | wrap RawAxiStreamMaster as FifoIn#(AxiStream) |
mkRawAxiStreamSlaveToFifoOut | / | RawAxiStreamSlaveToFifoOut | wrap RawAxiStreamSlave as FifoOut#(AxiStream) |
mkRawAxiStreamMasterToPut | / | RawAxiStreamMasterToPut | wrap RawAxiStreamMaster as Put#(AxiStream) |
mkRawAxiStreamSlaveToGet | / | RawAxiStreamSlaveToGet | wrap RawAxiStreamSlave as Get#(AxiStream) |
This package provides structs that encapsulate signals defined in Axi4-Lite protocol and interfaces that are used to generate standard Axi4-Lite Verilog interfaces. Besides some parser functions are implemented to parse each field of structs into individual signals.
- Axi4LiteWrAddr struct encapsulates signals listed in the write address channel of Axi4-Lite protocol.
- Axi4LiteWrData struct encapsulates signals listed in the write data channel of Axi4-Lite protocol.
- Axi4LiteRdAddr struct encapsulates signals listed in the read address channel of Axi4-Lite protocol.
- Axi4LiteRdData struct encapsulates signals listed in the read data channel of Axi4-Lite protocol.
For Axi4-Lite protocol, the write response channel consists of only one signal so it’s defined as Bit#(AXI4_RESP_WIDTH) with type name Axi4LiteWrResp.
- RawAxi4LiteWrMaster interface is used to generate Verilog interface containing all signals listed in the write address, write data and write response channels for the master side.
- RawAxi4LiteRdMaster interface is used to generate Verilog interface containing all signals listed in the read address, read data channels for the master side.
- RawAxi4LiteWrSlave and RawAxi4LiteRdSlave are similar to two interfaces but is implemented for the slave side.
- RawAxi4LiteMaster interface is used to generate Verilog interface containing all signals listed in Axi4-Lite interfaces and it consists of two sub-interfaces including RawAxi4LiteWrMaster and RawAxi4LiteRdMaster.
- RawAxi4LiteSlave interface is similar to RawAxi4LiteMaster but is used generate Verilog interface for the slave side.
Name | Description |
parseRawBusToRawAxi4LiteWrMaster | Extract fields in the Axi4LiteWrAddr, Axi4LiteWrData and Axi4LiteWrResp structs to individual signals for the master |
parseRawBusToRawAxi4LiteRdMaster | Extract fields in the Axi4LiteRdAddr and Axi4LiteRdData structs to individual signals for the master |
parseRawBusToRawAxi4LiteWrSlave | Extract fields in the Axi4LiteWrAddr, Axi4LiteWrData and Axi4LiteWrResp structs to individual signals for the slave |
parseRawBusToRawAxi4LiteWrSlave | Extract fields in the Axi4LiteRdAddr and Axi4LiteRdData structs to individual signals for the slave |
This package can be perceived as an augmented version of Axi4LiteTypes package, providing similar structs, interfaces and functions for Axi4 protocol that has more sophisticated signals than Axi4-Lite.
This section introduces detailed steps of how to wrap BSV modules to generate ready-to-use Verilog interfaces using blue-wrapper. Here we take the AxiStreamExample shown in the very beginning as an example:
interface AxiStreamExample;
interface Put#(AxiStream#(8, 1)) axiStreamSlave;
interface Get#(AxiStream#(8, 1)) axiStreamMaster;
module mkAxiStreamExample(AxiStreamExample);
- Clone this repo to $(BLUE_WRAPPER_DIR):
git clone $(BLUE_WRAPPER_DIR)
- Import used packages:
import BusConversion :: *;
import AxiStreamTypes :: *;
- Defines the top interface which generates ready-to-use Verilog modules using RawAxiStreamMaster and RawAxiStreamSlave as subinterfaces:
interface RawAxiStreamExample;
interface RawAxiStreamMaster#(8, 1) rawAxiStreamMaster;
interface RawAxiStreamSlave#(8, 1) rawAxiStreamSlave;
- Implement mkRawAxiStreamExample module to convert Get/Put to RawAxiStreamMaster/RawAxiStreamSlave:
module mkRawAxiStreamExample(RawAxiStreamExample);
AxiStreamExample axiExample <- mkAxiStreamExample;
let rawMaster <- mkGetToRawAxiStreamMaster(axiExample.axiStreamMaster, CF);
let rawSlave <- mkPutToRawAxiStreamSlave(axiExample.axiStreamSlave, CF);
interface rawAxiStreamMaster = rawMaster;
interface rawAxiStreamSlave = rawSlave;
- When compiling BSV codes using blue-wrapper, add the path $(BLUE_WRAPPER_DIR)/src to original compile options.
bsc -p +:$(BLUE_WRAPPER_DIR)/src ...
The implementation of this repo has referred to some other open-source codes. And their links are listed as follows: