This repository contains the official Pytorch implementation of our paper: "Semiformer: Semi-Supervised Vision Transformers (ECCV 2022, Poster)"
Zejia Weng, Xitong Yang, Ang Li, Zuxuan Wu, Yu-Gang Jiang
We introduce a joint semi-supervised learning framework, Semiformer, which contains a transformer stream, a convolutional stream and a carefully designed fusion module for knowledge sharing between these streams. The convolutional stream is trained on limited labeled data and further used to generate pseudo labels to supervise the training of the transformer stream on unlabeled data.
The main framework of the Semiformer is shown as following:
PyTorch 1.7.0+ and torchvision 0.8.1+ and pytorch-image-models 0.3.2
The best performance of semiformer in 10%-ImageNet SSL learning is 75.5%. We upload the training log and the corresponding checkpoint, which can be downloaded through the following links:
- log:
- checkpoint:
Download and extract ImageNet train and val images from The directory structure of the ImageNet data is expected as:
class 1/
class 2/
class 1000/
class 1/
class 2/
class 1000/
Download the checkpoint and evaluate the model by the script "/script/". You will get the 75.5% Top1 Accuracy. Training process is recorded here.
# set $ROOT as the project root path
# set $DATA_ROOT as the INet path
# SET $RESUME_PATH as the downloaded checkpoint path
cd $ROOT
python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port 50131 --nproc_per_node=1 --use_env \
--model Semiformer_small_patch16 \
--data-set SEMI-IMNET \
--batch-size 256 \
--num_workers 4 \
--data-path $DATA_ROOT \
--data-split-file $ROOT/data_splits/files2shards_train_size128116_split1.txt \
--eval \
--resume $RESUME_PATH \
Training scripts of Semiformer are provided in /script/submitit_Semiformer_*.sh using submitit.
You can also train the model directly using DDP without submitit, referring to the DDP script example provided in /script/
This repository is built upon DeiT, Conformer, and timm. Thanks for those well-organized codebases.
title={Semi-supervised vision transformers},
author={Weng, Zejia and Yang, Xitong and Li, Ang and Wu, Zuxuan and Jiang, Yu-Gang},