
Config files for my GitHub profile.

  • 👋 Hi, I’m Wenwu Howard
  • 👀 I’m interested in building and testing native apps, I am a IOS developer & tester and I am always learning new methods to improve my code.
  • 🌱 I’m currently using XCTest & XCUITest frameworks to for IOS QA.
  • As a IOS Devloper I am currently bulding an app that allows users to record Audio/Video's and transforms the audio/video data with a user selected preset. These presets include; Reverb, Pitch correction, and Distortion. By using AVFoundation's SDK, I have allowed the abality for capturing Photos, Videos, and audio directly from the user's device. This app also has the ability to scan the user's audio input which are reffered to as an audio siginature, and from that audio siginature it is able to find and display any song that the user would like to know more infromation about which can be the song's title, artist, and album art which are also reffered to as Media Items. This was all done by using apple's new and exciting Shazam Kit. Music is my core background and this app is one of the most exciting projects that ive worked on during my IOS development career. I will be uploading a demo version within the next month!
  • 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ...any projects that will excting, and a learning opurtunity, i would like to learn the best methods in IOS development.
  • 📫 How to reach me ...email me anytime at wenwuhoward@gmail.com