
The data and code for ACL2020 paper "Logical Natural Language Generation from Open-Domain Tables"

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The data and code for ACL2020 paper Logical Natural Language Generation from Open-Domain Tables, which aims to study the problem of natural language generation with logical inference in the intermediate steps. Going beyond simply surface-level copying, LogicNLG requires the model to deeply understand the content in the table and infer information implicitly expressed by the table.


You can explore the visualization interface to see the generation results of different models on LogNLG. Have fun!


  • pytorch 1.4.0
  • huggingface transformers 2.5.1
  • tensorboardX
  • tqdm
  • apex [optional]

Training/Evaluation Data

The data used for LogicNLG is provided in data folder, the details are described in README


Unzip all the table files

unzip all_csv.zip

Download the NLI scorer

wget https://logicnlg.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/NLI_models.zip
unzip NLI_models.zip

Download the Semantic Parser

wget https://logicnlg.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/parser_models.zip
unzip parser_models.zip

Reproducing Reported Results From Automatic Metric Models

The generated output from Field-Infusing-Transformer,GPT-2-based, Coarse-to-Fine models are stored in outputs. Their corresponding parsing results are stored in program_outputs.

You can verify their corpus-level BLEU score by:

python evaluate.py --input outputs/field_infusing.json --refernce data/test_lm.json --option corpus
python evaluate.py --input outputs/GPT_gpt2_12.65.json --refernce data/test_lm.json --option corpus
python evaluate.py --input outputs/GPT_gpt2_C2F_13.35.json --refernce data/test_lm.json --option corpus

You can verify their NLI-Acc by:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python NLI.py --model bert-base-multilingual-uncased --do_verify --encoding gnn --load_from NLI_models/model_ep4.pt --fp16 --verify_file outputs/GPT_gpt2_C2F_13.35.json --verify_linking data/test_lm.json

You can verify their SP-Acc by:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python parse_programs.py --compute_score --load_from parser_models/model.pt --score_file program_outputs/GPT_gpt2_C2F_13.35.json

Loading Our Trained Models

You are download and reload our trained models from Amazon S3 and decode results from them.

wget https://logicnlg.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/models.zip
unzip models.zip

For GPT-2.py model

You can either decode the sentences

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2.py --do_test --load_from models/GPT_ep8.pt

or evaluate the Adv-Acc

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2.py --do_verify --load_from models/GPT_ep8.pt

For Coarse-to-Fine model

You can either decode the sentences

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_test --load_from models/GPT_stage2_C2F_ep13.pt

or evaluate the Adv-Acc

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_verify --load_from models/GPT_stage2_C2F_ep13.pt --stage 2

These commands will save the decoded sentences to outputs/ folder and print out the Adv-Acc scores reported in the paper.

Retrain Your Own Model

Train Field-Infusing Transformer

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python Transformer.py --do_train

Train GPT2-small Model

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2.py --do_train --model gpt2

If you are running on a cluster of multiple nodes, you can also try our distributed training recipe:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 4 GPT-distributed.py --do_train --model gpt2 --batch_size 4

Train GPT2-Coarse-to-Fine Model

  1. Warm-up the template generation model for 10 epochs
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_train --model gpt2 --stage 1
  1. Load the last model and then train the fine-grained surface realization model for 15 epochs and smaller batch size.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_train --model gpt2 --stage 2 --epochs 15 --batch_size 3 --load_from models/GPT_stage1_C2F_ep9.pt

The trained models are stored under models/ folder, you can reload them and evaluate.

Evaluation Command

Perform Verification

python GPT2.py --do_verify --load_from models/[Your_Model] --model gpt2
python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_verify --load_from models/[Your_Model] --model gpt2 --stage 2

Perform Generation

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2.py --do_test --load_from models/[Your_Model] --model gpt2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_test --load_from models/[Your_Model] --model gpt2

After running do_test command, the decoded results on test split will be saved into outputs/ folder, which is required for the following NLI-Acc and SP-Acc score computation.

Compute NLI-Acc score

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python NLI.py --model bert-base-multilingual-uncased --do_verify --encoding gnn --load_from NLI_models/model_ep4.pt --fp16 --verify_file outputs/[Your_File] --verify_linking data/test_lm.json

Compute SP-Acc score

  1. Parsing your output file into programs (warning: this program uses breadth first search for potential programs, and could take a long time if you don't have many cpu cores. The experimented machine has 64 cores, and the parsing takes 30-60 minutes.):
python parse_programs.py --parse --score_file outputs/[Your_File]
  1. Run the ranker model to predict the entailment relationship:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python parse_programs.py --compute_score --load_from parser_models/model.pt --score_file program_outputs/[Your_File]

Parser and Entity Linker

We provide the details of our parser in README.


We host challenge of LogicNLG in CodaLab. Please consider submit your results to the challenge site.

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_verify_challenge --load_from models/GPT_stage2_C2F_ep13.pt --stage 2
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python GPT2-coarse-to-fine.py --do_test_challenge --load_from models/GPT_stage2_C2F_ep13.pt --model gpt2

These two commands will output results "verify_results.json" and "test_results.json" in the challenge folder, please remember to zip your files before submission.

cd challenge
zip -r results.zip verify_results.json test_results.json

Recent Papers

Model Organization Reference BLUEU-1 BLEU-2 BLEU-3 SP-Acc SP-Acc
GPT-TabGen UCSB Chen et al. 48.8 27.1 12.6 42.1 68.7
GPT-Coarse-to-Fine UCSB Chen et al. 46.6 26.8 13.3 42.7 72.2
DCVED Shanghai Jiao Tong University Chen & Jin et al. 49.5 28.6 15.3 43.9 76.9


If you find any problem about the code, please leave an issue or shoot me an email.