
A simple command line clipboard writtern in Perl 6

Primary LanguagePerl 6MIT LicenseMIT

This is a small tool for *inux, which simulate the system clipboard tool (like xsel) in terminal.

The clipboard is writen in Perl 6. First, [instal the Perl6]https://rakudo.org/files/star/source.

Them put the clipboard into the Linux system PATH.

Put text into clipboard:

echo "something put int clipboard" | clipboard -i

Get text from clipboard:

clipboard -o

I put the following lines in the .vimrc file to enable quick paste in vim by adding:

nmap \ap :r !clipboard -o

Then, you can type \ap in the normal mode of Vim, then the text in clipboard will append after the cursor.

Most of the time, it works with readlink to get the full path of a file, then paste it into script.