Gtk theme for linux of preferred use in Window Managers.
This theme is a modification of the Orchis theme,
And many of the things it has by default have been removed, so that only the
essential is left to be used in a window manager.
- Clone this repository..
git clone
- Check if the ~/.themes directory exists.
- If it doesn't exist, create it with mkdir ~/.themes
- Copy the theme with:
cp -r Four ~/.themes
Customizing this theme is very simple.
Inside the theme directory in gtk-3.0, there are 4 files related to the theme.
- (gtk.css) the main file
- (colors.css) Contains the path that the main file will use.
This file can be changed manually or in a highly customized script. - (dark.css) Contains dark color scheme
- (light.css) Contains white color scheme
To make modifications manually, you can modify the themes (dark and light), changing the colors that are contained in these files.
The theme uses simple logic.
These are the accent colors.
@define-color red #ef476f;
@define-color yellow #e85d04;
@define-color green #06d6a0;
@define-color blue #118ab2;
@define-color purple #c4a3d2;
@define-color gray #8e9aaf;
@define-color cyan #4cc9f0;
@define-color magenta #ff006e;These are the base colors.
/**** Background Colors /
@define-color base #061115;
@define-color base-alt #021216;
/ Text Colors ****/
@define-color font #f5f5f5;Use one of the accent colors to change this line.
/**** Highlight Colors *****/
@define-color highlight @blue;
By changing this file the whole theme will be changed,
use it carefully, do several tests with colors to find the one you like the most.
If you want to create a script to change the theme from light to dark automatically, the command is:
echo '@import url("light.css");' > ~/.themes/Four/gtk-3.0/colors.css
echo '@import url("dark.css");' > ~/.themes/Four/gtk-3.0/colors.css
With this command it is possible to create a simple script to be used by the terminal,
or in a button on a bar like tint2, polybar, xfce4-panel...