
A simple CLI for creating your projects

About tiger

Tiger is a platform to create a project, including simple Cli and Components

Install tiger

In order to use it anywhere, First of all, we need to install tiger NPM module globally.

So, run the following commands.

tnpm install -g @tencent/tiger

Use tiger

1. For Help

This step is very important.

For the first time to use it, you need to get more information about tiger.

For example, The most important is How to use it?

For that, you can run it with:

tiger -h

The results is looks like this following after run it.

  -V, --version output the version number
  -H, --help    output usage information

  add|ap        Add a new project
  add|ac        Add a new Component
  list|l        List all the project && components 
  init|i        Generate a new project
  delete|dp     Delete a project
  delete|dc     Delete a component

As is shown in the above list. A lot of commands are available for you to use.

Next, About all commands, we need to know how to run it.

2. About Commands

tiger list  
tiger init 
tiger add -c(ac)
tiger add -p(ap)
tiger delete -c(dc)
tiger delete -p(dp)

Tiger structure

├── dist
  ├── bin
  │   └── tiger           # 命令行文件
  ├── commands
  │   ├── add-c.js        # 添加组件执行
  │   ├── add-p.js        # 添加模板执行    
  │   ├── delete-c.js     # 删除组件执行
  │   ├── delete-c.js     # 删除模板执行
  │   ├── init.js         # 初始化项目执行
  │   └── list.js         # 罗列项目列表执行   
  ├── .gitignore          # GIT非提交文件
  ├── package.json        # 依赖安装目录
  ├── README.md           # 脚手架使用说明 
  ├── templates.json      # 模板装载文件 
  └── utils.js            # 罗列项目功能

That's It

This is all about the NPM module - @tencent/tiger. You can download it and create your app quickly.