
šŸ“šDocumentation of Runway, Tutorials and integrations

MIT LicenseMIT

Runway Slack

This is the public documentation for Runway. This includes technical references, the Runway API docs, tutorials and examples.

The documentation is online at http://docs.runwayapp.ai

Developing and running locally

The documentation site is built with docsify.

To get started developing locally first install docsify-cli globally by running:

npm i docsify-cli -g

Then, clone this repository and then cd into the directory.

To start the dev server run:

docsify start ./docs

Now the documentation app will be running at http://localhost:4000

[SSR] Serving ./docs now.
Listening at http://localhost:4000

Check docsify's quick start guide if you have any issues with the development.

Documentation Structure

The source code is hosted inside the docs folder.

Every tutorial is named following the tutorial_[NAME_OF_TUTORIAL].md syntax. All other pages are listed individually.

There's one global style file.


We are happy to receive any pull requests with changes that could make our documentation better and easier to understand.