

Parses transaction objects to a higher-level view.


Takes a transaction metadata object (as returned by a casinocoin-libjs response) and computes the balance changes that were caused by that transaction.

The return value is a javascript object in the following format:


where BALANCECHANGE is a javascript object in the following format:

    counterparty: CASINOCOINADDRESS,
    currency: CURRENCYSTRING,

The keys in this object are the Casinocoin [addresses] whose balances have changed and the values are arrays of objects that represent the balance changes. Each balance change has a counterparty, which is the opposite party on the trustline, except for CSC, where the counterparty is set to the empty string.

The CURRENCYSTRING is 'CSC' for CSC, a 3-letter ISO currency code, or a 160-bit hex string in the [Currency format].


Takes a transaction metadata object and computes the changes in the order book caused by the transaction. Changes in the orderbook are analogous to changes in [Offer entries] in the ledger.

The return value is a javascript object in the following format:


where ORDERCHANGE is a javascript object with the following format:

    direction: 'buy' | 'sell',
    quantity: {
        currency: CURRENCYSTRING,
        counterparty: CASINOCOINADDRESS,  (omitted if currency is 'XRP')
        value: DECIMALSTRING
    totalPrice: {
        currency: CURRENCYSTRING,
        counterparty: CASINOCOINADDRESS,  (omitted if currency is 'XRP')
        value: DECIMALSTRING
    makerExchangeRate: DECIMALSTRING,
    sequence: SEQUENCE,
    status: ORDER_STATUS,
    expirationTime: EXPIRATION_TIME   (omitted if there is no expiration time)

The keys in this object are the Casinocoin [addresses] whose orders have changed and the values are arrays of objects that represent the order changes.

The SEQUENCE is the sequence number of the transaction that created that create the orderbook change. The CURRENCYSTRING is 'XRP' for XRP, a 3-letter ISO currency code, or a 160-bit hex string in the [Currency format].

The makerExchangeRate field provides the original value of the ratio of what the taker pays over what the taker gets (also known as the "quality").

The ORDER_STATUS is a string that represents the status of the order in the ledger:

  • "created": The transaction created the order. The values of quantity and totalPrice represent the values of the order.
  • "partially-filled": The transaction modified the order (i.e., the order was partially consumed). The values of quantity and totalPrice represent the absolute value of change in value of the order.
  • "filled": The transaction consumed the order. The values of quantity and totalPrice represent the absolute value of change in value of the order.
  • "cancelled": The transaction canceled the order. The values of quantity and totalPrice are the values of the order prior to cancellation.

The EXPIRATION_TIME is an ISO 8601 timestamp representing the time at which the order expires (if there is an expiration time).