This is an actively updated list of practical guide resources for medical large language models (LLMs). It's based on our survey paper: A Survey of Large Language Models in Medicine: Progress, Application, and Challenge.
If you want to add your work or model to this list, please do not hesitate to email and or pull requests. Markdown format:
- [**Name of Conference or Journal + Year**] Paper Name. [[pdf]](link) [[code]](link)
This repository aims to provide an overview of the progress, application, and challenge of LLMs in medicine, aiming to promote further research and exploration in this interdisciplinary field.
[2023-11-09] We released the repository.
- Practical Guide for Building Pipeline
- Practical Guide for Medical Data
- Downsteam Biomedical Tasks
- Practical Guide for Clinical Applications
- Practical Guide for Challenges
- Practical Guide for Future Directions
- Acknowledgement
- Citation
- BioBERT: A pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining. 2020. paper
- PubMedBERT:Domain-specific language model pretraining for biomedical natural language processing. 2021. paper
- SciBERT:A pretrained language model for scientific text. 2019. paper
- ClinicalBERT:Publicly available clinical BERT embeddings. 2019. paper
- BlueBERT:Transfer learning in biomedical natural language processing: an evaluation of BERT and ELMo on ten benchmarking datasets. 2019. paper
- BioCPT:Contrastive pre-trained transformers with large-scale pubmed search logs for zero-shot biomedical information retrieval. 2023. paper
- BioGPT:generative pre-trained transformer for biomedical text generation and mining. 2022. paper
- OphGLM:Training an Ophthalmology Large Language-and-Vision Assistant based on Instructions and Dialogue. 2023. paper
- GatorTron:A large language model for electronic health records. 2022. paper
- GatorTronGPT:A Study of Generative Large Language Model for Medical Research and Healthcare. 2023. paper
- ChatGLM-Med:ChatGLM-Med: 基于中文医学知识的ChatGLM模型微调. 2023. github
- DoctorGLM:Fine-tuning your chinese doctor is not a herculean task. 2023. paper
- BianQue:Balancing the Questioning and Suggestion Ability of Health LLMs with Multi-turn Health Conversations Polished by ChatGPT. 2023. paper
- ClinicalGPT:Large Language Models Finetuned with Diverse Medical Data and Comprehensive Evaluation. 2023. paper
- Qilin-Med:Multi-stage Knowledge Injection Advanced Medical Large Language Model. 2023. paper
- Qilin-Med-VL:Towards Chinese Large Vision-Language Model for General Healthcare. 2023. paper
- ChatDoctor:A Medical Chat Model Fine-Tuned on a Large Language Model Meta-AI (LLaMA) Using Medical Domain Knowledge. 2023. paper
- BenTsao:Tuning llama model with chinese medical knowledge. 2023. paper
- HuatuoGPT: HuatuoGPT, towards Taming Language Model to Be a Doctor. 2023. paper
- LLaVA-Med: Training a large language-and-vision assistant for biomedicine in one day. 2023. paper
- Baize-healthcare: An open-source chat model with parameter-efficient tuning on self-chat data. 2023. paper
- Visual Med-Alpeca: A parameter-efficient biomedical llm with visual capabilities. 2023. Repo
- PMC-LLaMA: Further finetuning llama on medical papers. 2023. paper
- Clinical Camel: An Open-Source Expert-Level Medical Language Model with Dialogue-Based Knowledge Encoding. 2023. paper
- MedPaLM 2: Towards expert-level medical question answering with large language models. 2023. paper
- MedPaLM M: Towards generalist biomedical ai. 2023. paper
- CPLLM: Clinical Prediction with Large Language Models. 2023. paper
- DelD-GPT: Zero-shot medical text de-identification by gpt-4. 2023. paper
- ChatCAD: Interactive computer-aided diagnosis on medical image using large language models. 2023. paper
- Dr. Knows: Leveraging a medical knowledge graph into large language models for diagnosis prediction. 2023. paper
- MedPaLM: Large language models encode clinical knowledge. 2022. paper
- DrugBank
- NHS Health
- NHS Medicine
- Unified Medical Language System (UMLS)
- The Human Phenotype Ontology
- PubMed: National Institutes of Health. PubMed Data. In National Library of Medicine. 2022. database
- Literature: Construction of the literature graph in semantic scholar. 2018. paper
- MIMIC-III: MIMIC-III, a freely accessible critical care database. 2016. paper
- PubMed: The pile: An 800gb dataset of diverse text for language modeling. 2020. paper
- MedDialog: Meddialog: Two large-scale medical dialogue datasets. 2020. paper
- EHRs: A large language model for electronic health records. 2022. paper
- EHRs: A Study of Generative Large Language Model for Medical Research and Healthcare. 2023. paper
- cMeKG:Chinese Medical Knowledge Graph. 2023. github
- CMD.: Chinese medical dialogue data. 2023. repo
- BianQueCorpus: BianQue: Balancing the Questioning and Suggestion Ability of Health LLMs with Multi-turn Health Conversations Polished by ChatGPT. 2023. paper
- MD-EHR: ClinicalGPT: Large Language Models Finetuned with Diverse Medical Data and Comprehensive Evaluation. 2023. paper
- VariousMedQA: Multi-scale attentive interaction networks for chinese medical question answer selection. 2018. paper
- VariousMedQA: What disease does this patient have? a large-scale open domain question answering dataset from medical exams. 2021. paper
- MedDialog: Meddialog: Two large-scale medical dialogue datasets. 2020. paper
- ChiMed: Qilin-Med: Multi-stage Knowledge Injection Advanced Medical Large Language Model. 2023. paper
- ChiMed-VL: Qilin-Med-VL: Towards Chinese Large Vision-Language Model for General Healthcare. 2023. paper
- Healthcare Magic: Healthcare Magic. platform
- ICliniq: ICliniq. platform
- Hybrid SFT: HuatuoGPT, towards Taming Language Model to Be a Doctor. 2023. paper
- PMC-15M: Large-scale domain-specific pretraining for biomedical vision-language processing. 2023. paper
- MedQuAD: A question-entailment approach to question answering. 2019. paper
- VariousMedQA: Visual med-alpaca: A parameter-efficient biomedical llm with visual capabilities. 2023. repo
- MTB: Med-flamingo: a multimodal medical few-shot learner. 2023. paper
- PMC-OA: Pmc-clip: Contrastive language-image pre-training using biomedical documents. 2023. paper
- Medical Meadow: MedAlpaca--An Open-Source Collection of Medical Conversational AI Models and Training Data. 2023. paper
- Literature: S2ORC: The semantic scholar open research corpus. 2019. paper
- MedC-I: Pmc-llama: Further finetuning llama on medical papers. 2023. paper
- ShareGPT: Sharegpt. 2023. platform
- PubMed: National Institutes of Health. PubMed Data. In National Library of Medicine. 2022. database
- MedQA: What disease does this patient have? a large-scale open domain question answering dataset from medical exams. 2021. paper
- MultiMedQA: Towards expert-level medical question answering with large language models. 2023. paper
- MultiMedBench: Towards generalist biomedical ai. 2023. paper
- Designing a Deep Learning-Driven Resource-Efficient Diagnostic System for Metastatic Breast Cancer: Reducing Long Delays of Clinical Diagnosis and Improving Patient Survival in Developing Countries. 2023. paper
- AI in health and medicine. 2022. paper
- Large language models in medicine. 2023. paper
- Leveraging a medical knowledge graph into large language models for diagnosis prediction. 2023. paper
- Chatcad: Interactive computer-aided diagnosis on medical image using large language models. 2023. paper
- Applying large language model artificial intelligence for retina International Classification of Diseases (ICD) coding. 2023. paper
- PLM-ICD: automatic ICD coding with pretrained language models. 2022. paper
- Using ChatGPT to write patient clinic letters. 2023. paper
- ChatGPT: the future of discharge summaries?. 2023. paper
- Chatcad: Interactive computer-aided diagnosis on medical image using large language models. 2023. paper
- Can GPT-4V (ision) Serve Medical Applications? Case Studies on GPT-4V for Multimodal Medical Diagnosis. 2023. paper
- Qilin-Med-VL: Towards Chinese Large Vision-Language Model for General Healthcare. 2023. paper
- Customizing General-Purpose Foundation Models for Medical Report Generation. 2023. paper
- Towards generalist foundation model for radiology. 2023. paper
- Clinical Text Summarization: Adapting Large Language Models Can Outperform Human Experts. 2023. paper
- Large Language Models in Medical Education: Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions. 2023. paper
- The Advent of Generative Language Models in Medical Education. 2023. paper
- The impending impacts of large language models on medical education. 2023. paper
- A Nested U-Structure for Instrument Segmentation in Robotic Surgery. 2023. paper
- The multi-trip autonomous mobile robot scheduling problem with time windows in a stochastic environment at smart hospitals. 2023. paper
- Advanced robotics for medical rehabilitation. 2016. paper
- GRID: Scene-Graph-based Instruction-driven Robotic Task Planning. 2023. paper
- Trust in Construction AI-Powered Collaborative Robots: A Qualitative Empirical Analysis. 2023. paper
- Machine translation of standardised medical terminology using natural language processing: A Scoping Review. 2023. paper
- The Advent of Generative Language Models in Medical Education. 2023. paper
- The impending impacts of large language models on medical education. 2023. paper
- ChatCounselor: A Large Language Models for Mental Health Support. 2023. paper
- Tell me, what are you most afraid of? Exploring the Effects of Agent Representation on Information Disclosure in Human-Chatbot Interaction, 2023, paper
- A Brief Wellbeing Training Session Delivered by a Humanoid Social Robot: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. 2023. paper
- Real conversations with artificial intelligence: A comparison between human–human online conversations and human–chatbot conversations. 2015. paper
- Survey of hallucination in natural language generation. 2023. paper
- Med-halt: Medical domain hallucination test for large language models. 2023. paper
- A survey of hallucination in large foundation models. 2023. paper
- Selfcheckgpt: Zero-resource black-box hallucination detection for generative large language models. 2023. paper
- Retrieval augmentation reduces hallucination in conversation. 2021. paper
- Chain-of-verification reduces hallucination in large language models. 2023. paper
- What disease does this patient have? a large-scale open domain question answering dataset from medical exams. 2021. paper
- Truthfulqa: Measuring how models mimic human falsehoods. 2021. paper
- HaluEval: A Large-Scale Hallucination Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models. 2023. paper
- Textbooks Are All You Need. 2023. paper
- Model Dementia: Generated Data Makes Models Forget. 2023. paper
- Detecting Edit Failures In Large Language Models: An Improved Specificity Benchmark. 2023. paper
- Editing Large Language Models: Problems, Methods, and Opportunities. 2023. paper
- Retrieval-augmented generation for knowledge-intensive nlp tasks. 2020. paper
- Aligning ai with shared human values. 2020. paper
- Training a helpful and harmless assistant with reinforcement learning from human feedback. 2022. paper
- Improving alignment of dialogue agents via targeted human judgements. 2022. paper
- Webgpt: Browser-assisted question-answering with human feedback. 2021. paper
- Languages are rewards: Hindsight finetuning using human feedback. 2023. paper
- ChatGPT utility in healthcare education, research, and practice: systematic review on the promising perspectives and valid concerns. 2023. paper
- ChatGPT listed as author on research papers: many scientists disapprove. 2023. paper
- A Survey of Large Language Models for Healthcare: from Data, Technology, and Applications to Accountability and Ethics. 2023. paper
- Multi-step jailbreaking privacy attacks on chatgpt. 2023. paper
- Jailbroken: How does llm safety training fail?. 2023. paper
- A comprehensive benchmark study on biomedical text generation and mining with ChatGPT. 2023. paper
- Creation and adoption of large language models in medicine. 2023. paper
- Creation and adoption of large language models in medicine. 2023. paper
- ChatGPT and Physicians' Malpractice Risk. 2023. paper
- A Survey on Multimodal Large Language Models. 2023. paper
- Mm-react: Prompting chatgpt for multimodal reasoning and action. 2023. paper
- ChatGPT for shaping the future of dentistry: the potential of multi-modal large language model. 2023. paper
- Frozen Language Model Helps ECG Zero-Shot Learning. 2023. paper
- Exploring and Characterizing Large Language Models For Embedded System Development and Debugging. 2023. paper
- MME: A Comprehensive Evaluation Benchmark for Multimodal Large Language Models. 2023. paper
- Large Language Models in Sport Science & Medicine: Opportunities, Risks and Considerations. 2023. paper
- LLMsPracticalGuide. The codebase we built upon and it is a comprehensive LLM suvey.
Please consider citing 📑 our papers if our repository is helpful to your work, thanks sincerely!
title={A Survey of Large Language Models in Medicine: Progress, Application, and Challenge},
author={Hongjian Zhou, Boyang Gu, Xinyu Zou, Yiru Li, Sam S. Chen, Peilin Zhou, Junling Liu, Yining Hua, Chengfeng Mao, Xian Wu, Zheng Li, Fenglin Liu},
journal={arXiv preprint 2311.05112}