[CVPR 2023] Real-time Multi-person Eyeblink Detection in the Wild for Untrimmed Video
- AlexandreHennequin
- biaozhengShaanXi ,China
- bucuram
- ChanglongJiangGitHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- chr2117216003
- dajiaoniu1
- Delluna
- desti-nation
- DoGunKIM93Hanwha Systems
- duccuong197
- Ethanzsx
- FatemehShamsi
- hoangthang1607Marseille, France
- HuAndrewwww.ilovepose.com
- huangwgang
- Inso-13Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- jasthin-beaver
- JiaoSiyiHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- jie311
- Kikiliu-cSichuan University
- ldl917
- lianyuanbo
- lizhao-chdDepartment of Transportation Engineering, College of Automobile, Chang'an University
- park2j
- PhantomKiddingUniversity of Wisconsin Milwaukee
- runrunrun1994
- seasky100
- thaint2901
- TQTQliuHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- W1zheng
- wnagyu-web
- wuyuanmm
- XelawkGuangzhou
- xxradonBST
- YuanYuanrow
- zgchen33Tsinghua University