
Python Module for Vector CANape API

Primary LanguageC

Da Liegt der Hund beraben.


Unternehmen, die CANape (einschließlich Vector) verwenden, sind mit Open Source sehr konservativ.

Bei Caterpillar (ca. 2015-2016) wurde eine Alpha-Version entwickelt. Es war gut. Es automatisierte Stunden des dSpace HIL-Testens! Es befindet sich in der Firewall von Caterpillar.

Bei Eaton (ca. 2017) wurde eine Beta-Version entwickelt. Es war gut gut. Es befindet sich in der Firewall von Eaton.

Code hier wurde mit der Demo-Version von Vector entwickelt. Es hat Einschränkungen. Ich kann mir keine Vector-Hardware leisten.


Python ist die Zukunft. ADAS5 benötigt viele Tests. Python ist gut in Tests. CANape braucht Python.

  • Vector könnte dies entwickeln. Hören Sie auf Ingenieure, nicht auf Management. Niemand mag COM.
  • Jemand spendet eine CANape-Lizenz für die Entwicklung.
  • Jemand gabelt und setzt diese Arbeit fort.


Pythonic CFFI wrapper for CANape. This is a full Pythonic wrapper using the CANape ASAM-MCD3 Interface (CANapeAPI). It has an identical feature set to the CANape® and MATLAB® interface.


Create CANape object.

import CANape
canape = CANape.CANape()

CANape can be initialized via the init(), init2(), init3(), init4(), or init5() functions. Any one of these functions can be used to initialize CANape depending upon need. Each function requires a different set of parameters that need to be passed in. If init5 is being used, the function can be called like this:

canape.init5(timeout = 20000,
             m_WorkingDir = r"C:\Vector\Data\Experiment1",
             fifo_size = 1000,
             sample_size = 1,
             debug = True,

After initializing the ASAP3 connection, a new module/device has to be created and a database file has to be attached. If a connection is being made to a CCP device and an ASAP2 description file is available, the AttachAsap2() function is used.

                    channel = 2);

To create a connection to a CAN device, the module can to be created like this:

canape.create_module (name = "CAN",
                      database= r"C:\Vector\Data\Experiment1\TopSecret.dbc",,
                      channel = 1);

To use a MDF file in Python or Matlab.

canape.matlab_conversion(mdf = r"C:\Vector\Data\Experiment1\NDA_Data.mdf",
                         mat = r"C:\Vector\Data\Experiment1\NDA_Data.mat)

To list all devices currently connected to CANape:

devices = canape.get_devices()
for device in devices:

Create a new module, add a measurement channel, record data, process it with numpy.

                   channel = 2);
                                 task_index =3,
while True:
    data = canape.get_fifo_data(0, 2)
    if np.magic(data):

Read and display calibration 2D Calibration Map. (Can return any calibration object data type like scalar, string, map and curve.)

data = canape.read_calibration_object(0, 'TopSecretCalibration', 1)
plt.plot(data[:,0], data[:,1])
plt.xlabel("Top Secret Dependent Axis")
plt.ylabel("Top Secret Independent Axis")
plt.title("Top Secret Calibration")

To close the CANape connection, the exit() function is used:



Exposes all of CANape's features to the Python ecosystem.


  • Me: "So are you guys going to ever release a Python interface?"
  • Vector Sales Rep: "Everyone loves our COM interface? Is the COM interface not good enough? Why would anyone want to use Python when there is a COM interface? I can give you the e-mail address of an engineer if you need help with our COM interface."
  • Me: Shocked Pikachu