
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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GeoModels Packakge

The GeoModels package provides a set of procedures for simulation, estimation and prediction of spatio-temporal random fields.


The main features of the package are:

  • The type of data that can be modeled are: - spatial data - space time data with spatial location sites possibly changing over time - bivariate spatial data with (possibly different) spatial location sites

  • Data can be defined on euclidean space or on a sphere of arbitrary radius

  • The random fields can have the following marginal distributions:

    • Gaussian
    • Skew-Gaussian
    • Student T
    • Gamma
    • Weibull
    • LogGaussian
    • Binomial
    • Negative binomial
    • Wrapped-Gaussian for directional data
  • Parametric models for both regression and dependence analysis through covariance models

  • Parametric (bivariate) spatial and spatiotemporal covariance models, including Matern, Generalized Wendland, Gneiting model, bivariate Matern

  • Estimation methods:

    • Pairwise likelihood (optional parallel computation with OpenCL)
    • Full likelihood (when feasible)
  • Optimal (linear) prediction


  • Visit our website for more information: link

  • Please report any bugs, suggestions and/or improvements: link