
Ethereum Bitcoin Swap

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ethereum BTC Swap

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npm install --save etherex/btc-swap


var BtcSwap = require('btc-swap');
var client = new BtcSwap({
  address: "0x4491959fe1772faa7332464b0e7f1aa9aa2d8446", // Address of the BtcSwap contract
  host: "localhost:8545", // Ethereum node
  from: "0xcd2a3d9f938e13cd947ec05abc7fe734df8dd826", // Ethereum account
  testnet: true, // Use BTC testnet, defaults to true
  debug: true


For any method with a failure callback, any error will fire that callback before aborting the execution of that method.

lookupTicket(ticketId, success, failure)

Returns a ticket object specified by ticketId to the success callback.

createTicket(btcAddress, numEther, btcTotal, success, completed, failure)

Create a ticket for btcAddress of numEther for btcTotal. The success callback gets fired when the Ethereum transaction is sent and returns the transaction hash. The completed callback gets fired when the transaction is mined, returns the same transaction hash as first parameter and the created ticket object as second parameter.

reserveTicket(ticketId, txHash, powNonce, success, completed, failure)

Reserve a ticket with ID ticketId, with the BTC transaction hash txHash and computed nonce powNonce (see computePoW()). The success callback gets fired when the Ethereum transaction is sent, returns the ticket ID as first parameter and the Ethereum transaction hash as second parameter. The completed callback gets fired when the transaction is mined and returns the reserved ticket object.

`claimTicket(ticketId, txHex, txHash, txIndex, merkleSibling, txBlockHash,

feeWei, success, completed, failure)Claim a ticket with IDticketId, with the signed BTC transaction hex txHex, the BTC transaction hash txHash, BTC transaction index txIndex, BTC merkle siblings merkleSiblingand BTC block hashtxBlockHash. feeWeican be obtained by callinggetFeeAmount(txBlockHash)and will be the transaction's value if it's above zero. Thesuccesscallback gets fired when the Ethereum transaction is sent and returns the Ethereum transaction hash. Thecompleted` callback gets fired when the transaction is mined and returns the ticket ID.

cancelTicket(ticketId, success, failure)

Cancel a ticket with ticketId, if the ticket is still reservable and by the creator of that ticket only. The success callback gets fired when the Ethereum transaction is sent and returns the ticket ID as first parameter and the Ethereum transaction hash as second parameter. The completed callback gets fired when the transaction is mined and returns the ticket ID that was just canceled.

Ticket ID list

getTicketIDs(success, failure)

Returns open ticket IDs. Use with lookupTicket() to load all currently open tickets.

Watch filter

watchTickets(ticketEvent, failure)

Sets a global watch filter for all ticket events, which calls ticketEvent that returns new, reserved or removed as first parameter, and the ticket ID as second parameter. Use this to watch tickets created, reserved, claimed or canceled by other users. Take note that this filter will also trigger on the same events as the other methods' completed callbacks.

Proof of Work nonce

computePoW(ticketId, btcTxHash, success, failure)

Compute a nonce for a ticket with ID ticketId, with the BTC transaction hash txHash. The success callback gets fired when a nonce is found.

verifyPoW(ticketId, txHash, nonce, success, failure)

Verify a nonce for a ticket with ID ticketId, with the BTC transaction hash txHash and previously computed nonce. The success callback gets fired when the nonce is found to be valid with a success message, same with the failure callback when the nonce is invalid.

Intermediate wallet methods

generateWallet(success, failure)

Generate an intermediate wallet to be used for reserving and claiming a ticket. The success callback gets fired when the wallet is successfully generated and returns a wallet object with the address and WIF key.

importWallet(wif, success, failure)

Import a previously generated wallet using the WIF key from wif. The success callback gets fired on successful importation of the wallet and returns a wallet object with the address and the same WIF key.

createTransaction(wallet, recipient, amountBtc, etherFee, etherAddress, success, failure)

Create a signed BTC transaction to get a transaction hash for reserveTicket() to be later broadcast with propagateTransaction() (see below), using a wallet object wallet (as returned by generateWallet()), paid to the BTC address recipient for the amount of amountBtc, including an ether fee of etherFee for a third-party claimer, and from the Ethereum address etherAddress. The success callback gets fired when the transaction is successfully created and returns an object with fee for the actual BTC miner fee after the etherAddress and etherFee have been encoded into the transaction, the hash of the BTC transaction and hex of the raw transaction.

propagateTransaction(txHex, success, failure)

Broadcast a previously signed raw transaction txHex to the Bitcoin network. The success callback gets fired when the transaction is successfully broadcast and returns the BTC transaction hash.

BTC relay methods

getBlockchainHead(success, failure)

Query the btcrelay contract for its last stored BTC block hash. The success callback gets fired on a successful call and returns the hash of the latest block.

getLastBlockHeight(success, failure)

Query the btcrelay contract for its last stored BTC block number. The success callback gets fired on a successful call and returns the block number of the latest block.

getFeeAmount(blockHash, success, failure)

Get the fee from btcrelay to validate a transaction in a given blockHash. The success callback gets fired on a successful call and returns the fee amount in wei.

storeBlockWithFee(blockHash, feeWei, success, failure)

Query the blockr API for the raw block data of a block with hash blockHash, generate the BTC block header from that data, call the storeBlockWithFee method of btcrelay and send an Ethereum transaction for that same method if successful, effectively storing the block header. The success callback gets fired when the transaction is mined and returns the BTC block number for which the block header was stored.