
Polyhedra ZK knowledge base

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Blogs and Lectures

This repo is the place where we share all of our advanced and basic knowledge, it will update on a weekly basis.

Update schedule

We will post new content update and merge reviewed pull requests every week on Thursday/Friday PST.

Discussion Groups

Telegram: https://t.me/+XEdEEknIdaI0YjEx


Blogs will be somewhat more advanced topics, and content will closely related to our latest development. This part usually requires some pre-existing knowledge in cryptography.


Lectures will teach you ZKP from scratch. No background knowledge required.

  • Lecture0: basic arithmetic background of ZKP. (week of Jun 03 2024)
  • Lecture1: multi-linear extension. (week of Jun 10 2024)
  • Lecture2: sumcheck protocol. (week of Jun 28 2024)


How to contribute?

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project! We seek contributors with a robust background in cryptography, aiming to build the best knowledge base in the field.

Contribution Guidelines:

Pull Requests

We welcome your pull requests (PRs) and ask that you follow these guidelines to facilitate the review process:

  • General Procedure:

    1. Fork the repository and clone it locally.
    2. Create a branch for your changes related to a specific issue or improvement.
    3. Commit your changes: Use clear and meaningful commit messages.
    4. Push your changes to your fork and then submit a pull request to the main repository.
  • PR Types and Specific Guidelines:

    • [BUG] for bug fixes:
      • Title: Start with [BUG] followed by a brief description.
      • Content: Explain the issue and the logic behind the bug.
    • [NEW] for new documents and knowledge:
      • Title: Start with [NEW] followed by a concise description.
      • Content: Discuss the benefits of the new article, possible use cases, and potential impacts.
      • Documentation: Update relevant documentation and examples.
    • [IMPROVE] for documentation improvements:
      • Title: Start with [IMPROVE] and a short description of what is being improved.
      • Content: Detail the changes made and why they are necessary, focusing on clarity and accessibility.

Review Process

Each pull request will undergo a review by one or more core contributors. We may ask for changes to better align with the project's goals and standards. Once approved, a maintainer will merge the PR.

We value your contributions greatly and are excited to see what you bring to this project. Let’s build something great together!