
Change your Slack status with cron (whenever)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Slack status scheduler. Uses whenever to schedule API calls to Slack that set your status.


Get an access token that has at least the "users.profile:read" and "users.profile:write" OAuth scopes. You can use a legacy token, although there's a reason they're called that.

Copy config/application.yml.example to config/application.yml and fill in your Slack access token.

Next, copy config/status_schedule.rb.example over to config/status_schedule.rb. This is where your schedule will go.


There are three ways to interact with your status in this project.

Whenever Schedule

Your schedule is defined in config/status_schedule.rb. You should be familiar with Whenever's syntax, but in addition there are some custom job types defined:

every :day, at: '9:00' do
  change :status, from: 'old', text: 'New Stuff', emoji: 'new'

This job changes your status to "New Stuff" with the new emoji, but only if it is currently the old emoji. This allows you to conditionally set your status. You may also specify an empty string ('') as your from: which will only set your status if it is currently blank.

every 2.hours do
  clear :status

Clears your status, easy enough.

every :tuesday, at: '12:00' do
  set :status, text: 'Lunching', emoji: 'pizza'

Sets your status. For both change and set, you can leave either the text or the emoji blank (or both, in which case it's the same as clear

Rake tasks

You can also interact with the Rake tasks directly:

  • rake "status:change[from,text,emoji]" - Change status conditionally. This works the same as the whenever job explained above.
  • rake status:clear - Clears your status
  • rake "status:set[text,emoji]" - Set your current status.

Ruby API

Begin by initializing a new instance of a StatusChanger. You may pass a single String as your access token, but if you don't it defaults to ENV['slack_token'].

sc = StatusChanger.new

#current returns a handy Hash with your current status:

sc.current  #=> {:text=>"Working remotely", :emoji=>:house_with_garden}

#clear clears your status.

sc.clear  #=> {:text=>"", :emoji=>:""}

#set sets your status. Both the text and emoji are optional keyword arguments.

#These are all the same:
sc.set(text: 'Vacation', emoji: :palm_tree)
sc.set(text: 'Vacation', emoji: 'palm_tree')
sc.set(text: 'Vacation', emoji: ':palm_tree:')

#The default emoji on Slack is :speach_balloon:
sc.set(text: 'Pondering')

#This is equivalent to sc.clear

#change conditionally sets your status if your current status meets a particular condition. It takes two keyword arguments:

  1. from: this is the condition, it's optional, but if specified it controls whether or not to change your status:

    • If from: is a String, your status will only be changed if the text of your current status is that exact String
    • If from: is a Regexp, your status will only be changed if the text of your current status is matched by that Regexp
    • If from: is a Symbol, your status will only be changed if the emoji of your current status is that Symbol
    • If from: is omitted or nil, your status will be changed.
  2. to: this is a required argument. It should be a Hash (like that returned by #current, but it's passed through to #set, so all the same possible combinations can be used here including an empty Hash.

# Only if 'Away'
sc.change(from: 'Away', to: {text: 'Back', emoji: ':1234:'})

# Clear status if :palm_tree
sc.change(from: :palm_tree, to: {})

# Quick break if working remotely
sc.change(to: {text: 'Break', emoji: :clock1030}, from: /remote(ly?)$/i)

You can play with this API in irb by running script/console