
Python wrapper around https://github.com/trumank/uesave-rs

Primary LanguageRust


Python library for editing Unreal Engine save files - PyO3 wrapper around uesave-rs.


This is still work in progress and there is a lot optimisiation missing, mainly it will use lot of memory, use with care.


Minimal compatible python version is python3.8.

pip install uesave-py

Reading Save Files

from ueasve_py import read_save, UesaveError

    save = read_save(open(file, 'rb'))
except UesaveError as exc:

# the returned Save instance should be typed, otherwise see uesave_py.save

# This prints a lot of stuff!
print(save.header, save.root, save.extra)

Writing Save Files

Not Implemented Yet ☹️


In a way this is a simple PyO3 wrapper around uesave-rs library.


Pythons tox is used to run pytest across multiple python versions.


  • CI: build the package first then use it in tests (so that we are not building twice)

  • License (probs same as uesave-rs/MIT)

  • Expose uesave ParseError

    • PyO3 currently does not have a facility to create and populate exceptions with instance fields.
      So, this will require making our own PyErr and properly registering it with the python interface.
  • Improve transfering (Save) data from/to Python. Currently the whole uesave::save struct is immediatelly transferred into python, by itself it's OK. Except when/if implementing write_save it might get painful really quick because of all the type coercion/conversion back to rust (and it must be correct).

    • Idea 1: Keep the rust-side Save in some "getattr proxy class" (rust-side pyclass struct). This would mean not transferring anything immediatelly but writing changes could be painful again (capture setattr, properly coerce types, mutable fields are problem).


  • This is a hobby project of mine, my Rust knowledge is still rather insufficient, please make an issue if you see any problem, be it syntactical error or complete oversight.