
A QT GUI for mpv: https://mpv.io/

Primary LanguageC++


A QT GUI for mpv: https://mpv.io/

Command for launching mpv in idle mode with IPC socket: mpv --idle --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpvsocket


  • Play:
  • Pause: {"commnad": ["set_property", "pause", true]}
  • Stop: {"command": ["stop"]}
  • Next (playlist): {"command": ["playlist-next"]}
  • Prev (playlist): {"command": ["playlist-prev"]}
  • Fast forward { "command": ["seek", 0.2, "relative"] } or { "command": ["set_property", "speed", 4.0] }
  • Fast backward { "command": ["seek", -0.2, "relative"] }
  • Volume {"command": ["set_property", "volume", "50"]}
  • Progress bar { "command": ["set_property", "percent-pos", "100"] }
  • Piece selection (radio, list, files): {"command": ["loadfile","filename"]} {"command": ["loadlist","listname"]}


  • Volume {"command": ["observe_property", 1, "volume"]}
  • Progress bar: { "command": ["observe_property", 2, "percent-pos"] }
  • Filename: {"command": ["observe_property", 3, "filename"]}
  • Pause: {"command": ["observe_property", 4, "pause"]}
  • Stop: { "command": ["observe_property", 5, "idle-active"] }

TODO list

  • Complete selection playlist (DONE)
  • I18N (DONE)
  • Buttons next and previous (DONE)
  • Verify QT 8 (DONE)
  • Size window (DONE)
  • Execution from zero (DONE)
  • Names on files (DONE)
  • Test on config (missing keys) (DONE)
  • Pretty description (DONE)
  • Report (DONE)