
A collapsible view to show section with options and show the selected one.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version License Platform

Based on the idea of the collapsible panels from jquery ui, and created for the only purpose to build a wizard of steps, the collapsible form helps the user to go into a flow of steps until it finishes the wizard and get all the options selected.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the root directory first. The example project is also interesting since it's using VIPER and MVP to show how to set of architecture patterns in the same project.


WWCollapsibleForm is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "WWCollapsibleForm"


Basic usage

The widget can be used inside storyboards/user interface by changing the class and module where a view is subclassing. Just go to the identity inspector of a selected view, go to the custom class and add WWCollapsibleForm for both class and module properties.

After that, the next step should be add section by creating an object from the WWSection class. The object will need a template for the header, the items and the selected header, when an item is selected.

All templates will be instances of WWViewRepresentation.


let section : WWSection = WWSection(header: WWViewRepresentation(headerView: Header()),
                                            template: WWViewRepresentation(view: CellView()),
                                            selectedHeader: WWViewRepresentation(headerView: SelectedHeader()))

Item views need to inherit from WWItemView, as headers views should inherit from WWHeaderView. Finally, selected headers inherit from WWSelectedHeaderView. Note: none of these classes inherit from UITableViewCell or UICollectionViewCell. They are plain UIViews

After that, the section will expect data objects of type WWDataObject to show items. There are 3 types of data objects

The objects need to be loaded during the view did load.


This object is simply going to take the template of the section and render it.

section.appendData(data: WWTemplateDataObject())


This object is going to take its own template from a view.

section.appendData(data: WWNonTemplateDataObject(view: AlternateCell()))

The view needs to inherit from WWItemView.


This object is going to create a sub group inside a section or another sub group and it will need a header and a template for the items. It works similar to a section but it doesn't have the same abilities as one, and the selected option will be related to the section.

let subGroup : WWSubGroupDataObject =  WWSubGroupDataObject(template: WWViewRepresentation(view: CellView()), headerTemplate : WWViewRepresentation(view: CellView()))
subGroup.appendData(object: WWTemplateDataObject())
subGroup.appendData(object: WWTemplateDataObject())
section.appendData(data: subGroup)

The views need to inherit from WWItemView.

Add options

If any of these objects have options to be shown when swipe from left to right or vice versa, WWDataObject objects have the function appendOptions and expects objects of type WWOptionViewItem.

dataObject.appendOptions(option: WWOptionViewItem(title: "Edit", backgroundColor: UIColor.blue, image: nil, padding: 10))

Options can set up their:

  • Title
  • Background color
  • Image
  • Insets or padding
  • Side where it will be
  • Width
  • Tint color
  • If the icons will be center over text.

Option Views are similar to Bar Buttons, where they are not views but objects that represent the views.

Option for deleting an item.

The delete option is a special one, so the form doesn't allow to create one by itself but it gives a special way of creating one.

data.appendOptions(option: data.createDeleteOption())

It can modify every property as any other option, but it won't raise an event when the delete happen.


There are two important delegates, the form will use to send events to the container or delegate class.

  • WWCollapsibleFormCollapseDelegate: It allows to inform when a collapse/expand is about to happen or it already happen.
  • WWCollapsibleFormDelegate: It sends the header and the items to be modified by the real data, separating the UI from the model. It does not return the index of the item, but rather the data object related to it. The data object works as the index. The functions in this delegate are:
    • Modify Header: When a header needs to relate the model to the view. Gets the header view and the section index.
    • Modify Item: When an item needs to relate the model to the view. Gets the item view, the data object index and the section index.
    • Item selected: It occurs when an item is pressed. Gets the data object index and the section index.
    • Option selecred: When an option of an item gets pressed, this function will return the option pressed. Gets the data object index, the option object index and the section index.


After all sections select an item, a footer can appear from the bottom to allow to show that the flow has ended. In order to add a footer, the form has to called it's function setFooter.

do {
	try self.form.setFooter(newFooter:UIView())
} catch {

It throws an error if the view has a height of 0.

Next steps

The widget still has to go to several changes. Here are the next steps that will occur:

  1. Add objects after loading time and animated. These objects are:
    1. Sections
    2. Items
    3. Items inside groups
    4. Options
  2. Scroll on to the next section after selecting the previous one.
  3. Bug fix
    1. The options close if the scroll hides the item and shows it again.
    2. The footer shows but the final scroll is scrolling too far.
  4. For the next version, the inner container, which is a UITableView, will be replaced with UIViews and UIStackViews. There's a playground called WWCollapsibleFormV2 with this ide.


  • 0.1.0 First commit with initial features.