
A single solution with all of my MonoGame tutorials

Primary LanguageC#


A single solution with all of my MonoGame tutorials

Using 2 properties, we can draw a simple sprite

Adding some key press to move a sprite around the screen

Extracting everything done so far into a class to create a "Sprite" object

Using an "Input" model, we can give sprites their own movement keys

Bringing everything together from the last 10 tutorials to create a functional game

Have different layer backgrounds that move at different speeds. Some are static, and some have a constant moving speed

Creating an emitter to produce snow flakes with different properties. Set up in a way to easily add more emitter types (rain for example)

Having an "Attributes" model, we're able to asign the player (and whoever we'll need to) different attribute values to affect the gameplay along with "AttrbiuteModifiers"

Expanding from the attributes tutorial, we add the ability to collect Power-ups that apply the attributes, and a manager to remove them after a certain amount of time