
Package demonstrating how to web scrape a ProBoards forum

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ProBoards Forum Scraper

Refer to the complete documentation and this series of blog posts for more detailed information.

Table of Contents


It is against ProBoards's Terms of Service to scrape content from a ProBoards forum. The code in this repository is purely for educational purposes, i.e., to demonstrate the use of various libraries and techniques, and should NOT be used to scrape any ProBoards forum or website.

Neither the author(s) nor this repository have any affiliation or association with ProBoards.

Per the license included in this repository, this software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind and is not guaranteed to work. Neither the author(s) nor the software shall be held liable for any consequences resulting from its use.


The purpose of this package is, as the disclaimer above states, to demonstrate the use of various Python modules/packages and various web-scraping techniques. It is designed to crawl a forum in a top-down manner and store user profiles, categories, boards, threads, polls, posts, shoutbox posts, post smileys, user avatars, and the site background/banner images primarily in a SQLite database. Scraping is achieved via a combination of BeautifulSoup and Selenium, and sqlalchemy is used to interface with the SQLite database. Because the majority of this task involves HTTP requests and network I/O, the forum is scraped asynchronously using asyncio, aiohttp, and aiofiles.

The figure below illustrates the scraper architecture and data flow at a high level.

The proboards_scraper.scraper module contains functions that are called to scrape the entire site or parts of the site. For example, scrape_forum() scrapes the forum homepage (including shoutbox posts) and calls scrape_users() and scrape_board() to get user profiles and all boards, respectively. scrape_board() recursively scrapes all sub-boards as well as all threads (and their posts) contained in a given board. Any one of these functions can be called on their own to scrape a particular section of a site, e.g., only user profiles or only a specific board.

Regardless, all of the aforementioned functions take a ScraperManager class instance as one of their parameters. The ScraperManager handles tasks related to performing HTTP requests/downloads, and also serves as an interface with a Database class instance which, in turn, serves as an interface for querying or inserting items into the SQLite database.

For more information, refer to the complete documentation.


git clone git@github.com:nrsyed/proboards-scraper.git
cd proboards-scraper
pip install .


Scraper command-line tool

Scraping is performed via the pbs (ProBoards Scraper) command line tool. Login is not required to scrape a site. If authentication credentials, i.e., username and password, are not provided, the program will proceed without logging in and any password-protected areas of the site will not be scraped. The following examples demonstrate basic use of the pbs command.

# Scrape the entire forum.
pbs https://yoursite.proboards.com -u user -p pass

# Scrape all user profiles.
pbs https://yoursite.proboards.com/members -u user -p pass

# Scrape a specific user's profile.
pbs https://yoursite.proboards.com/user/4 -u user -p pass

# Scrape a specific board (including all its threads and sub-boards).
pbs https://yoursite.proboards.com/board/2/boardname -u user -p pass

# Scrape a specific thread.
pbs https://yoursite.proboards.com/thread/123/thread-title -u user -p pass

By default, the command stores files in ./site, with the database file named forum.db and all downloaded images stored in ./site/images:

├── forum.db
└── images
    ├── 0109df55a94edf945e04bfa1ac494133.png
    ├── 44af035a39a673cce28d10d2c7a7ef0.gif
    ├── 791ec775aa570e88734cf9e83c4105966.ico
    └── fd0d26b36a29dc621b7aebd1a4d5a0d7.jpg

The output directory can be changed from ./site with the -o/--output option:

pbs https://yoursite.proboards.com -o /path/to/directory

Database command-line tool

The package includes a simple command line utility for querying the database with pbd (ProBoards Scraper Database tool).

# Print all boards.
pbd -b

# Print detailed information (sub-boards, thread list, etc.) for a
# specific board id.
pbd -b 2

# Print a list of all threads.
pbd -t

# Print detailed information (poll, posts) for a specific thread id.
pbd -t 500

# Print a list of all users, including guests.
pbd -u

# Print detailed information about a specific user id.
pbd -u 23

The tool assumes the database is located at ./site/forum.db by default, but a different database file can be specified with the -d/--database option:

pbd -d /path/to/database.db -u 23



The ProBoards Scraper command line tool pbs can be used to scrape part or all of a ProBoards forum.

usage: pbs [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-o <path>] [-D] [-U]
           [-v {0,1,2,3,4,5}] url

positional arguments:
  url                   URL for either the main page, a board, a thread, or
                        a user

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o <path>, --output <path>
                        Path to output directory containing database and
                        site files (default ./site)
  -D, --no-delay        Do not rate limit requests
  -U, --no-users        Do not grab user profiles (only use this option if
                        a database exists and users have already been added
                        to it)
  -v {0,1,2,3,4,5}, --verbosity {0,1,2,3,4,5}
                        Verbosity level from 0 (silent) to 5 (full debug);
                        default 2

Login arguments:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Login username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Login password


The ProBoards Scraper Database command line tool pbd can be used to perform simple queries on the database generated from scraping the site via the pbs command line tool.

usage: pbd [-h] [-d <path>]
(--board [board_id] | --user [user_id] | --thread [thread_id])

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d <path>, --database <path>
                        Path to database file; default ./site/forum.db
  --board [board_id], -b [board_id]
                        Board id; if omitted, list all boards
  --user [user_id], -u [user_id]
                        User id; if omitted, list all users
  --thread [thread_id], -t [thread_id]
                        Thread id; if omitted, list all threads