
Cobalt2 Theme for Zed

MIT LicenseMIT

Cobalt2 for Zed




Install via Zed Extensions (Not yet published)

  1. Open Zed.
  2. cmd+shift+p and select zed: extensions
  3. Select Cobalt2 and Install
  4. Select your Cobatl2 theme in the dropdown shown after hitting ( cmd+k, cmd+t )

Install via source

  1. Go to ~/.config/zed/themes
  2. Clone the repo there git clone git@github.com:mrpmohiburrahman/cobalt2-zed.git
  3. Open Zed.
  4. cmd+shift+p and select zed: extensions
  5. Select Cobalt2 and Install
  6. Select your Cobatl2 theme in the dropdown shown after hitting ( cmd+k, cmd+t )