
🔴 National Pokedex in ReactJs

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

National Pokedex


This is app of national pokedex


  • /public directory where the react injects javascript in develop;
  • /build directory created after execute command build, where is located files for production;
  • /src directory where the develop files is located;
    • /assets directory where static files like fonts and images is located;
    • /components directory where the react components is located;
    • /config directory where project configuration is located;
      • ./index.js file where project environment variables is located;
    • /services directory where the files related to services used in the application will be created, for example HTTP requests;
    • /store directory where redux configuration is located;
      • /actions directory where redux actions is located;
      • /actionsTypes directory where files to configure the actions types to actions;
      • /reduces directory where reducers is located;
      • ./index.js file where store is creates;
    • /utils directory where files make it easy to develop;
    • /views directory where de pages is located;
    • ./routes.js file where routes is configured.



In the directory, install the dependencies

npm install

Start React development server

npm start

Await for browser window open in http://localhost:3000.


In the directory, install the dependencies

npm install

Execute build command to create minify version to production

npm run build

Will be create folder /build with the files. Inserts into HTTP server. More information

Built With


Project Status

  • Concluded

URL Project Reference