created by wesley beckner
This is an asset capability dashboard demo using Dash
First create a virtual environment with conda (or venv) and activate it.
conda create -n <your_env_name> python==3.7
source activate <your_env_name>
Clone the git repo, then install the requirements with pip
git clone
cd featherstone
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the app
This is an interactive app to assess asset capability for manufacturing plants.
There is hidden capability within plant assets due to variability in uptime, yield, and rate. By assessing these variabilities with regard to unique products and operators, the hidden capabilities can be evaluated and monetized for each asset. Setting the "Performance Quantile" re-centers these performance distributions to the selected quantile and computes the resulting production opportunity. Operator/product/downtime events that poorly impact performance can be investigated within the dashboard.
- Dash - Main server and interactive components
- Plotly Python - Used to create the interactive plots