Scala LightTable

This is currently an alpha version of a better Scala mode for LightTable. To install it (since this is SO not ready for LightTable community consumption), you'll need to clone this repo into your plugin directory.

For Macs, your plugins are in $HOME/Library/Application Support/LightTable/plugins

For us Linux people, our plugins are $HOME/.config/LightTable/plugins

Then simply make a workspace, add the new plugin to it and build it. Because this plugin features its own code highlighting and improved indentation system (which is none at the moment, an improvement over where it used to be), you'll need to restart LightTable.


It highlights code in a nicer way, and it doesn't assume that it knows how to indent your code better than you do.

In the future, I plan to add Ensime for a really nice Scala experience for production systems and large projects.

To Contribute

Open issues and make pull requests.