
An example of multiprocessing in Yeti

Yeti Reactors!

It's not technically an actor, since it's not isolated. This is just a demonstration of Yeti's expressiveness and how it can be used for significant multiprocessing. This demonstration contains the reactors module and a sample of it's use.

reactor.yeti contains documentation and definitions of simple STM wrappers, reactors and futures (although I'm unconvinced that futures work at the moment). test.yeti is all this stuff put into action by implementing the barbershop problem in under 70 lines. It runs without droping data or deadlocking.

I'm posting this here mostly to expose the source, but to get it running, you'll need Yeti first. See build.sh and run.sh for the build sequence and run commands. If you're running UNIX, like OSX or Linux, you can run these scripts directly with the Yeti compiler in the same directory.