
Node/React application showcasing SWAPI (swapi.co) data

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Node/React application showcasing SWAPI (swapi.co) data


This project assumes you have npm or yarn pre-installed

  • First download or clone this repository to your machine

  • Then go to the project directory and run:

    yarn # If you have `yarn`
    npm install # If you have `npm`

    This will install all needed dependencies

  • Then you can start the application with:

    yarn start # If you have `yarn`
    npm start # If you have `npm`

    This will run a seed script for the database and start a daemon server (powered by PM2) with the application runing on the port 3000 by default and the endpoint http://localhost:3000/graphql for the GraphQL API

TODO checklist

  • Create relations between entities (25% done)
  • Link remaining relation links on views
  • Implement some UI like material-ui
  • Implement unit tests
  • Treat errors in a user friendly way
  • Develop a Guide for the home page
  • Create mutations queries on graphql (create, update, delete)
  • Create views for creations (each model)
  • Create views for update (each model)
  • Create views for delete (each model)
  • Implement search (preferably with fuzzy search)
  • Implement filters (for measurable/enumerable properties)