
A Health Check library in Golang

Primary LanguageGo

Health Check Go

Health Check library in Golang.

Project Structure

  • checks: Folder containing checks for external dependencies (SQL Server, RabbitMQ, and MongoDB).

    • mongo:
      • check.go: Implementation of MongoDB check.
      • check_test.go: Tests for MongoDB check.
      • stub.go: Stub for MongoDB tests.
    • rabbit:
      • check.go: Implementation of RabbitMQ check.
      • check_test.go: Tests for RabbitMQ check.
      • stub.go: Stub for RabbitMQ tests.
    • sqlServer:
      • check.go: Implementation of SQL Server check.
      • check_test.go: Tests for SQL Server check.
      • stub.go: Stub for SQL Server tests.
  • healthcheck.go: Main configuration file.

  • docker-compose.yml: Docker Compose file for tests.

Service List

  1. MongoDB;
  2. SQL Server;
  3. RabbitMQ.


Using go get

$ go get github.com/wesleycosta/healthcheck-go

Using govendor

$ govendor add github.com/wesleycosta/healthcheck-go
$ govendor add github.com/wesleycosta/healthcheck-go/checks
$ govendor add github.com/wesleycosta/healthcheck-go/checks/mongo
$ govendor add github.com/wesleycosta/healthcheck-go/checks/rabbit
$ govendor add github.com/wesleycosta/healthcheck-go/checks/sqlServer

Using the library

To configure Healthcheck in your application, follow these steps:

  1. Create a HealthCheck instance:

    • Use HealthCheckLib.New() to create a Healthcheck instance.
  2. Configure which services will be monitored:

    • For each service you want to monitor, configure specific options.
    • Examples:
      • MongoDB: Use the mongo.Config file.
      • RabbitMQ: Use the rabbit.Config file.
      • SQL Server: Use the sqlServer.Config file.
  3. Add Configurations to HealthCheck:

    • After creating specific service configurations, add them to the HealthCheck instance using the AddService method.
  4. Integrate HealthCheck into your Endpoint:

    • When you have a configured HealthCheck instance, integrate it into your endpoint to perform service checks.
    • Return the results of these checks as a JSON response.

Configuration Example

HealthCheck Configuration File
package healthcheck

import (

	HealthCheckLib "github.com/wesleycosta/healthcheck-go"

func createHealthCheck() HealthCheckLib.HealthCheck {
	mongoConfig := &mongo.Config{
		Url:         config.Get().MongoURL,
		User:        config.Get().MongoUser,
		Password:    config.Get().MongoPassword,
		Database:    config.Get().MongoDatabase,
		AuthSource:  config.Get().MongoAuthSource,
		Timeout:     3,
		ForceTLS:    config.Get().ForceTLS,
		MaxPoolSize: 100,

	rabbitConfig := &rabbit.Config{
		ConnectionString: config.Get().ConnQueue,

	healthCheck := HealthCheckLib.New()

	return healthCheck

Creating an endpoint for HealthCheck

package api

import (

func Base(router *gin.Engine) {
	router.GET("/healthcheck", healthcheck.Endpoint)

Healthy Response

    "status": "Healthy",
    "results": {
        "mongo": {
            "status": "Healthy",
            "description": "rabbit is healthy"
        "rabbit": {
            "status": "Healthy",
            "description": "rabbit is healthy"

Unhealthy Response

    "status": "Unhealthy",
    "results": {
        "mongo": {
            "status": "Unhealthy",
            "description": "<error description>"
        "rabbit": {
            "status": "Healthy",
            "description": "rabbit is healthy"