
Bayesian model selection approach for mediation

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A Bayesian model selection approach for mediation analysis.

Read the manuscript, published in PLOS Genetics.


The following code services as a simple vignette for using the package. The package contains two more detailed vignettes for user guidance.

devtools::install_github("wesleycrouse/bmediatR", build_vignettes = TRUE)

## Simulate Collaborative Cross data
# Balanced design matrix with 20 observations of each founder allele
# thus 160 CC strains
balanced_matrix <- sim_balanced_locus(founder_allele_reps = 20)

## Simulate based on bi-allelic SNP evenly split between the founder strains
# Matrix that maps eight founder alleles to two SNP alleles
M_single <- model_matrix_from_ID("0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1")
# SNP design matrix
SNP_X <-  balanced_matrix %*% M_single

## Set seed so simulation is replicable

## Simulate a mediator for which the SNP explains 70% of its variation
simple_m <- sim_mpp_single_locus(locus_matrix = balanced_matrix, 
                                 num_replicates = 1, 
                                 num_sim = 1,
                                 M_ID = "0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1", 
                                 impute = TRUE,
                                 strain_effect_size = 0,
                                 qtl_effect_size = 0.7)

## Simulate an target for the mediator simulates 60% of its variation
simple_y <- sim_target_from_mediator(simple_m$data, mediator_effect_size = 0.6)

## Simulate a null mediator (SNP has no effect)
simple_m_null <- sim_mpp_single_locus(locus_matrix = balanced_matrix, 
                                      num_replicates = 1, 
                                      num_sim = 1,
                                      M_ID = "0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1", 
                                      impute = TRUE,
                                      strain_effect_size = 0,
                                      qtl_effect_size = 0,
                                      sim_label = "sim_m_null")

## Run mediation analysis
true_med <- bmediatR(y = simple_y$data[,1], 
                     M = cbind(simple_m$data[,1, drop = FALSE], simple_m_null$data[,1, drop = FALSE]), 
                     X = SNP_X,
                     ln_prior_c = "complete",
		     options_X = list(sum_to_zero = TRUE, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE))
null_med <- bmediatR(y = simple_y$data[,1], 
                     M = cbind(simple_m$data[,1, drop = FALSE], simple_m_null$data[,1, drop = FALSE]), 
                     X = SNP_X,
                     ln_prior_c = "complete",
		     options_X = list(sum_to_zero = TRUE, center = FALSE, scale = FALSE))

## Plot posterior probabilities
plot_posterior_bar(true_med, mediator_id = "sim_m_1", 
		   relabel_x = "simulated m", main = "Mediation through M")
plot_posterior_bar(null_med, mediator_id = "sim_m_null_1", 
		   relabel_x = "simulated null m", main = "Mediation through null M")