
Envalid is a framework agnostic and fluent server side form validation package for PHP

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


This is a fork of azi/envalid, originally authored by @azeemhassni.

Envalid is a framework agnostic and fluent server side form validation package for PHP


Envalid can be installed via composer just execute the following command in your project root

composer require wesleydeveloper/envalid


Using envalid in your project is super simple, here is an example

$validator = new azi\Validator();
$validator->validate($_POST, [
    'username'         => 'required',
    'password'         => 'required|password:strong',
    'confirm_password' => 'required|same:password'

If you've files to validate you will need to merge $_POST|$_GET and with $_FILES just like the following

$validator = new azi\Validator();
$validator->validate(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES), [
    'profile_picture' => 'file:image'

Available Rules

  • required
  • email
  • password Accepts password strength like password:strong|medium|normal (default noraml)
  • number
  • file Accepts file type currently supported formats: image,video,doc
  • min
  • max
  • length
  • array
  • boolean
  • ip
  • same
  • alpha
  • alnum
  • cpf_cnpj
  • cep
  • phone Only BR phone numbers are supported
  • uf


This repository is maintained by @azeemhassni @wesleydeveloper

If you can contribute I'd love to merge your PR and your name will be mentioned in the release notes and contributors list.