
Following the The Complete Hands-On Introduction to Apache Airflow Course from Udemy

Primary LanguagePython


Following the The Complete Hands-On Introduction to Apache Airflow Course from Udemy

  • An Operator defines a Task in your data pipeline.

  • Providers allows to use external sources as operators, like AWS or DBT.

  • A Sensor is a special type of operator that waits for something to happen before executing the next task. For example, if you want to wait for files, you can use the FileSensor. If you want to wait for an entry in an S3 bucket, you can use the S3KeySensor.

Access Container Postgres DB from command line

  1. docker exec -it hands-on-airflow-course_postgres_1 /bin/bash
  2. psql -Uairflow
  3. SELECT * FROM users;