Kurtosis CI Scheduler

Welcome to the Kurtosis take-home interview question. We find that interview questions that don't match the work, require implementing algorithms that should be Google'd, or rely on knowing The Trick don't give good signal. We've therefore designed this question to be a close match to day-to-day Kurtosis work. You'll have the same freedoms and constraints that a Kurtosis dev will have, with only a few caveats due to the artificial nature of the interview format:

  • Google as much as you like
  • Use any language you like
  • Use whatever IDEs and tools you like
  • Put the problem down, take walks, mull it over in the shower - whatever you need
  • You'll have 48 hours from receipt of this package to return a solution, to match the real-world case where we have an external-facing deadline
  • We need a Prod-ready working solution at the end; write your code like it's going to Prod

Lastly, we understand that your time is precious. We've targeted this problem to take 3-4 hours so that we're not making unreasonable demands on your time.

Problem Overview

Imagine that you're a dev on the Kurtosis team, and we need to write the scheduling logic of a single-threaded build system. Our users will submit job YAMLs which consist of build steps with precedence, like this:

- step: "create user 1"
  dependencies: ["prepare database"]
  precedence: 100
- step: "create user 2"
  dependencies: ["prepare database"]
  precedence: 50
- step: "prepare database"
  dependencies: []
  precedence: 10

The scheduling logic you write will process the input and produce an ordering the steps should be executed in. Dependencies must be taken into account: a step must not run until all its dependencies have run. Precedence must also be taken into account: a higher-precedence steps beat lower-precedence steps when both are available for running.

For instance, the only ordering possible for the above example job is:

prepare database
create user 1
create user 2

Inputs are assumed to come directly from users; no pre-processing or sanitization has been done.

Input Job Specification

  • A job is a list of steps defined in YAML
  • A job must have at least one step
  • Each step must have a step field
  • The ID of a step is the value of the step field, with the leading and trailing whitespace removed
  • Empty or all-whitespace step IDs are not allowed
  • Step IDs with newline characters are not allowed
  • Multiple steps with the same ID are not allowed
  • Each step must have a precedence field
  • The precedence of a step is the value of the precedence field
  • Precedence must be a positive nonzero integer
  • Each step may (but is not required to) have a dependencies field containing an array of step IDs
  • A step without the dependencies key is assumed to have no dependencies
  • The dependency IDs are the values of the dependencies, field with leading and trailing whitespace removed
  • An empty or whitespace dependency ID is not allowed
  • Dependencies on nonexistent step IDs are not allowed

Output Ordering Specification

  • An output ordering is a newline-separated list of step IDs (no leading or trailing whitespace)
  • An output ordering is always terminated by a newline
  • All steps in the job must be used exactly once
  • A step's dependencies must come before it in the output ordering
  • Higher-precedence steps must come before lower-precedence steps when both are available for running
  • When two ready-to-run steps have the same precedence, lexicographical ordering is used: step A comes before step B, etc.

Your Solution

At a code level, your solution will be a Docker image capable of taking in a user's job YAML and producing an output ordering. We've provided you with scripts/build.sh infra to build the (currently-empty) Dockerfile in the root of this repository; you can use this as you develop your solution. Your Docker image will be run with two arguments - the filepath on the container of the user's job YAML, and the filepath on the container where output should be produced.

For example, this invocation of your image:

docker run --volume ${PWD}/job.yml:/job.yml --volume ${PWD}/output.txt:/output.txt kurtosis-ci-scheduler /job.yml /output.txt

will use your input file at ${PWD}/job.yml and write an output ordering to ${PWD}/output.txt (if one could be produced).

WARNING: make sure ${PWD}/job.yml and ${PWD/output.txt exist on your local machine when running the command, else you'll get an empty directory inside the Docker container which will cause an error.

At an interview level, your final deliverable submitted back to us should be a .tgz of this directory containing all your work. Running scripts/build.sh in the directory you give us should produce a container image that solves the problem. You may add whatever other infra you need, but the scripts/build.sh in your submitted version must remain identical to the one we give you.

Solution Specification

  • Your solution must be packaged inside a Docker container image via scripts/build.sh
  • The command your image runs must accept two positional arguments:
    1. The input filepath within the container where the user's job YAML resides
    2. The output filepath within the container where the output ordering should be written to
  • Your container must return a 0 exit code if an output ordering was successfully produced
  • If an output ordering was successfully produced, the contents of the output file must contain the output ordering
  • Your container must return a non-0 exit code in any case where an output ordering couldn't be produced (e.g. the job is invalid)
  • The STDIN/STDOUT of the container are yours to use and log to as you please